insisted on doing things together. I had a sneaking suspicion that they didn't want to let the other one be around me unsupervised. There was no telling what each might say when the other wasn't there to hear it.
“So what are everyone's plans for the week?” I asked, in an attempt to draw away their attention.
“I have a big case coming up,” Gemma said happily as she flipped the ends of her huge pile of hair over her shoulder. I could almost hear it crackle from all the hair spray she used to keep it that way. “This might be the big one.”
“Gemma, with you, every case could be the big one, then it ends up being a parking violation.” Janet sighed, and gave Gemma a thin smile. “After my hubby gets home, we'll be starting our fitness boot camp. You two really need to join us, especially you, Gemma. You would do well with a few sessions.”
“Oh no. I have a very strict policy when it comes to fitness centers.” Gemma batted her eyes at Janet. “I never attend them. I find boot camps full of pretentious, pushy types. Seriously, who really believes they can fast forward themselves into a perfect body? That's what plastic surgeons are for, right, Janet?”
Janet forced a smile, and I likewise forced myself not to get sucked into yet another veiled feud between the two. “Well, I guess you two have me beat. I’m just going to a convent with a hot reporter.”
That cut the rivalry short. Both snapped their heads toward me so fast it was a wonder neither of them complained of whiplash.
“Explain yourself,” Janet insisted, and then waved a hand. “Wait, wait, wait! Hold that thought! Not a word until I get dinner out of the oven. I hope you brought your appetites. I know you girls have to have your meat, and Joe had a special on calf's liver. I stuffed it with wheat grass and fennel.”
“How considerate. Why do healthy things have to be so disgusting?” Gemma asked me, as Janet disappeared back into the kitchen. “My treat if you want to fake sick and go out for Chinese.”
I gave her an apologetic smile. “I can't do that to Janet.”
“She's trying to kill us with whacky health cult food. Call it even,” Gemma pleaded, giving me her puppy eyes and a well practiced pout.
I shook my head. Gemma sighed dramatically as Janet hurried in with a foul smelling pan of - was that liver? Oh goodness, that pan would get a restaurant shut down in a heart beat. Friendship was full of many trials.
“I had a snack on the way here,” Gemma said, as she leaned away from the glob, not even bothering to spare Janet's feelings over her zeal to make us something special. “I'll just have something that resembles normal. Corn maybe, or lettuce with some actual salad dressing.”
“Would you like to try my cod liver oil dressing?” Janet asked.
“Normal dressing made for human consumption.” Gemma rolled her eyes and took out her phone. “Bring me real food or so help me, your clients are going to see pictures of a pizza delivery man at your door. And it’s gonna be a meat supreme.”
“Gemma, don't you dare!” Janet's eyes widened.
“Hey you guys! Hot guy? Convent?” I said, as I resisted an urge to hunt down some aspirin. Why couldn't we just have a normal gathering where I wasn't both referee and peace keeper?
“Right! What is this about? And how hot is this guy? Does he work out?” Janet demanded as she started serving out plates.
“Down girl! You're married, remember?” Gemma gave Janet a sugary sweet smile.
“Happily married. Same to you. Rose saw him first.” Janet gave Gemma an annoyed scowl, then turned back to me. “So spill. Who is he? What does he do? Where does he come from? Is he well built?”
“What's his BMI?” Gemma asked, mimicking Janet’s voice. “Does he bench press 500? Does he need a spotter?”
“He’s a freelance journalist, and he’s very cute. He's from out of town, researching a big bank robbery gang for a book,” I said, trying to distract them from