male boss’s ass. Awesome. “I had a question about a beer run.”
“Where’s Beth? Can’t she help?”
“One of the monitors grabbed her. They’re doing some sort of training thing and had a question.”
Josh dropped the chain he’d been adjusting. “I’m glad they’re going through the drill. Things can get a bit wild at the party and I’d hate for anything to happen.”
“So I’ve heard.” Ignoring the sudden increase in his heart rate, Oliver came closer to where Josh stood. Like a moth to a flame. “What are you doing?”
“One of the Doms complained that the cuffs needed to be changed in here. I wanted to check them out before the party. I don’t want anyone getting hurt when we’re all supposed to be having fun.”
The cuffs hung high enough that Oliver would barely be able to touch the floor with his toes if he were suspended by them. Reaching up, he fingered the soft leather, batting it away after a moment. “They seem fine to me.”
“Want to help me test them?”
Oliver stopped breathing for a moment. The desire to try out some of the restraints was a secret he’d kept to himself. He seemed to emit a certain vibe, though. It wouldn’t take much of a hint to get Doms revved up and anxious to string him up. So when he blinked in the face of Josh’s confidence, Oliver knew he was in trouble. “How?”
“Pretty simple. I need someone to put the cuffs on and tell me how they feel.” Josh reached behind Oliver and wrapped his hands around the cuffs. Stretched out, his body was completely open to Oliver’s gaze “Hard to do it myself.”
Heat washed over Oliver from Josh’s body. The thin material of his shirt was no barrier to the force that was Josh Scott in full charm mode. I’m not attracted to men. I’ve never been attracted to men…
“What do you need me to do?” Oliver would have cringed at the rough sound of his voice, but he was too distracted by Josh releasing the chains and taking his wrists in his hands.
“One at a time. I’ll strap you in and you can dangle for a minute. Tell me if you feel any cracks in the leather cuffs. I don’t want the subs to chafe.”
Oliver nodded, not trusting his voice to be steady, fearing it would betray the confusion tearing him apart. Josh stepped in closer, so their bodies nearly touched, and lifted Oliver’s hand. The stretch was enough that he had to get up onto his toes to give Josh room to secure the cuff. When the second one was firmly in place, Josh grinned and stepped away.
The feeling of being suspended from the ceiling had Oliver’s cock swell with anticipation. He’d never done anything like this. When it came to sex, Mallory hadn’t been interested in anything beyond missionary style, and even that she’d limited to a few times a month. He hadn’t minded because he’d been fucking crazy in love with her.
And hadn’t that backfired spectacularly?
Josh walked behind him, and Oliver had to twist around to try and see what he was doing. “So…I don’t really feel anything out of the ordinary,” he murmured.
“No, you probably wouldn’t. Normally there is a lot more stress on them than this. Mind if I take a minute to try something?”
“I can’t really say no, can I?”
Leaning in, Josh pressed his lips to Oliver’s ear. “You can always say no.”
Stretched out like he was, Oliver couldn’t do anything to cover up his erection. He tried to shift away, but Josh caught him by the arm, forcing him still. Strong fingers pushed the cuff of his T-shirt sleeve up, revealing his upper biceps and the tattoo he normally kept hidden.
“What’s this?” Josh’s tone was teasing, but the caress of his fingers was firm. “It’s good work.”
“My buddy Brandon does them. Whenever I get the urge, he inks me up.” A tingle electrified the skin of his arm, making it suddenly hard to breathe.
“What does it mean?” Josh’s mouth was close to the back of his neck.
“It’s a compass.”
“It’s a