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Calling the Shots
Book: Calling the Shots Read Online Free
Author: Christine D'Abo
Tags: Romance
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door and half turned to face him.
    “If you want to have sex with Josh, I would be willing to be there too.”
    And then she fled.

Chapter Three
    Oliver’s palms were sweating as he wandered off in search of Josh. Not that he was nervous about finding the other man, but he’d been twitchy ever since his little run-in with Beth in the closet. And he’d come a hair’s breadth from telling her about his fantasy.
    About him having sex with Josh while she watched.
    Maybe going through his divorce was making him a bit unstable. Mallory certainly would have agreed he was taking a step toward the land of crazy by wanting to have a threesome with his bosses. One of whom was male.
    Considering that Oliver wasn’t gay.
    He should never have said anything to Beth at all. Neither she nor Josh deserved to get burdened with his issues. Sure, Mallory had left him in the most painful way possible, but that was his shit to deal with. He liked and respected them both too much to drag them into the messy details of his life.
    Fuck, he really needed to get over Mallory and move on with his life. Or actually go out and do something that wasn’t connected to work or finding a new place to live. He slowed down, trying to remember the last time he did anything fun, just for the heck of it. Went to a movie? No time. He’d never been much of a reader and he hadn’t played his guitar in years. Maybe it was time to get the acoustic out again. After the party when he had some spare time once again.
    For now his first order of business was to find Josh.
    Getting his social life back? A distant second.
    Oliver poked his head around the corner of the Black Room but found it empty. Josh had removed the door, so he must have moved on to the next task. Large cans of oil were stacked off to the side in preparation for later use. Oliver could only imagine what it would feel like to strip naked and slide around with people in the slick substance.
    Maybe he’d try it. With Josh and Beth.
    Dammit. Focus.
    If he didn’t find Josh soon, Oliver would have to place the order for the extra beer and ride out the consequences. If he didn’t get it pushed through soon there was a chance it wouldn’t make it in time for the party.
    He hadn’t been around for the infamous pajama party before. The atmosphere of the club had been nearly electric in these days leading up to the event. They’d worked long hours most of this week, getting prepared. Oliver hadn’t minded. It gave him time to spend in Beth and Josh’s company. Gave him time to figure out what he was feeling toward the two of them.
    His attraction to Beth wasn’t surprising. He’d always had a thing for dominant women. And while Beth wouldn’t consider herself in that category, Oliver had picked up the vibe from her. It was a good vibe. A happy vibe. He had no doubt she’d be willing to take the lead between the sheets, without making him feel like a pathetic ass for wanting it.
    The problem was Josh. What the hell was Oliver doing, fantasizing about him? Not just that, but wanting the two of them to take him to bed and fuck him senseless. He wanted them to take care of him in a way Mallory would never have considered.
    As Oliver made his way down the corridor, hammering noises in one of the far rooms caught his attention. Standing in the middle of one of the private bondage rooms was the object of his hunt.
    Josh adjusted the rigging of a cross, arms stretched high above his head. His tight T-shirt had ridden up, exposing his flawless, unmarked tanned skin and defined lower back. Oliver pictured sliding his hands lower until he could cup Josh’s too-perfect ass. What would it feel like to reach around and squeeze Josh’s hard cock? What would it taste like if he were to suck him down?
    “You going to stand there all day or come do something useful?”
    Oliver startled, realizing his gaze had drifted down. Josh smirked at him with a slight shake of his head. Caught staring at your very
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