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Colour Me Undead
Book: Colour Me Undead Read Online Free
Author: Mikela Q. Chase
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sonorous voice.
    Cora gave a rusty laugh when her cousin looked scornfully at the king. “You don’t need to give me an official title to watch my cousin. I’ve been looking after her since she was a little girl.”
    “Nevertheless, you have it. It should also quell any rumours about your lack of an official capacity with the crown.”
    Melinda sighed. “Whatever.”
    Still shaky from her vampire encounter, Cora let her cousin lead her out.
    “How did you get away from psycho lady?” Melinda asked.
    Cora showed her the canister. “Becka gave me this.”
    “Garlic spray?”
    Cora nodded.
    “Huh. You should double her salary. That stuff’s expensive.”
    “I probably should at that.” If it hadn’t been for Becka’s spray, Cora had no doubt this evening would’ve ended differently. Melinda wouldn’t have arrived in time to stop the psychotic vampire from killing Cora. “Why did she want to kill me?”
    “Because Basil wants you for his mate.”
    Cora laughed. “Great. I finally get a hot guy interested in me and he comes with a lot of baggage.”
    She let Melinda help her into the limousine. Apparently, when you went to rescue your relatives from psycho vampires you took luxury automobiles. Who knew?
    The ride back to the castle was done in silence. Cora knew Basil watched her but she didn’t have the energy to care. She had no idea how he thought this entire thing was going to work out but she had no interest in being the undead vampire queen even if the position did have one very sexy perk.
    When they arrived at the castle, Melinda led Cora to a spare bedroom and tucked her in. “I’ll have someone go by your apartment and get you some clothes.”
    “’kay.” She could feel Melinda hovering over her bed but she was too shaken and exhausted to expend energy making her cousin feel better.
    “Well, if you need anything…”
    “I’ll be fine.”
    “Yes, you will.” A maternal kiss landed on her head. She heard her cousin move away, then the sound of the door opening and closing.
    Sighing, Cora closed her eyes and tried to will the troubling thoughts away.

Chapter Four

    Cora awoke to someone stroking her forehead. Instinctively, she turned into the soothing touch.
    “That’s it, my sweet, I’ll keep you safe.”
    Blinking she looked up into the amused green eyes of the vampire king. With a strangled scream she sat up in bed. “What are you doing here?”
    “Watching over you.”
    “Um. Thanks.” That wasn’t the least bit freaky, nope. Then she remembered stripping out of her clothes before going to bed last night. She scooted a little further away from the vampire.
    Basil frowned at her. “You don’t have to be afraid of me.”
    “I’m not afraid of you. I…I don’t have any clothes on.”
    The vampire gave her a wicked smile. “I don’t see that as a problem.”
    “Shoo. Go away while I dress.”
    “You are always telling me to go. For once I’d like you to ask me to stay.” His green eyes glowed as he watched her. For a moment she wondered if he could see through the blankets.
    Cora sighed. “You’re not very good at the listening thing, are you?”
    “I’m very good at hearing things that are important. But I believe you’re mistaken about wanting me to leave. I think you really want me to stay and join you in your lonely bed.”
    “You really are delusional.” She hoped he wasn’t scanning her mind. Cora didn’t need the overly confident vampire to know she thought he was the sexiest thing with fangs she’d ever seen.
    “Is it the vampire thing? Do you have a thing against vamps? I can understand that, after Deva attacked you, but I’ve done nothing to you.”
    Except make her wet between the legs and her nipples stand at attention like Rover wanting a treat.
    A wide smile crossed the king’s face. “Oh, I see now. You want me.”
    Before she could form a thought he stripped off his shirt, exposing miles of pale flawless skin. Normally she liked her men a
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