earlier.” Chris really didn’t want him to go, but he was hurt and wanted to be alone with all the other emotions swirling around inside of him.
“Chris, I’m sorry for yelling at you.” Hondo walked across the room and stood in front of him, his hand reaching out, but stopped midway and fell. Oh, how Chris wished the guy would really reach out, but as usual, Hondo didn’t.
He kept his head down, unable to look up at the demon. It would only crumble his resolve and then he would give in. “I accept your apology. Now could you go?”
Chris didn’t think the guy would leave. He stood there for a moment, Chris staring at the man’s boots, and then he watched them turn and head out of his bedroom. Chris closed the door, holding onto the handle as his heart broke. Hondo would never want someone as scrawny as him. Why was he chasing a pipe dream?
He flopped down on his bed and reached for his phone, calling his mom. “Just calling to see what you’re up to.”
“No, you’re not. I know that tone. What’s wrong, Chrissy?” God, he hated when she called him that. It made him feel like he was five hundred years old again. “Can’t a son call his mom and ask how she’s doing?”
She snorted. “Normally yes, but with you, no. What’s wrong?” My heart’s been torn in two, and I want to cry my eyes out.
“Nothing.” He blinked up at the ceiling, refusing to let the tears roll.
He knew he should move on, forget about Hondo, but the demon was unforgettable. How do you forget someone who makes your skin scream for attention every time he’s near?
“Fine, don’t tell me. Anyway, your sister came by…” Chris tuned her out. All he wanted was to hear her voice for comfort, not listen to the latest gossip. Normally he loved hearing about the whos and whats of his family and friends, but not today.
Today he just wanted to crawl under his blanket and forget about the most stunning Egyptian warrior he’d ever known. The Demon Warriors were a melting pot of nationalities, making up a group of stunning men, but he only had eyes for Hondo.
“Are you listening to me?”
“I’m sorry, could you repeat that?”
“I said, where’s Hondo? You’re always with him.” His mother was using that mommy tone, and Chris hated it.
“Out doing his job, I guess.” He rolled over to his stomach, kicking his legs up into the air and crossing his ankles.
“Is he the reason you are so upset, dear?”
“He yelled at me in front of the guys. I’m supposed to be upset.” He told her only half of it, too ashamed to admit how much he wanted the guy. Even though he and his mom talked about everything, that was one subject he never touched with her.
“You know they care about you. Don’t take it to heart.”
Too late. “I know. I’m going to go. Tell sissy I said hi.” Chris hung up, not waiting for a reply. He tossed the phone aside, feeling like a hole was in his chest where his heart used to be.
* * * *
Chris panted as he ran as fast as he could. The demon that had attacked the warriors’ building the other night just hit him with an energy blast, and now Chris’s sonic speed was out of whack. His legs were starting to cramp, and his lungs were on fire. Using normal speed to run sucked. He skidded around the corner and jumped over a trash can that was lying on its side.
The demon was hot on his heels. He had learned his name was Leam and Gammy was not his buddy, but his brother.
He hit the ground when he heard the charge coming at him, pushed back to his feet, and took off again when it missed by mere inches.
Chris ran into King Wings and shot out of the back door, hoping to lose the scum bucket. “Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.” He bumped into numerous people trying to make it to the warriors’
building. He was mad as hell at Hondo, but one of them would help him. He cursed when he stumbled, hitting his chin on the sidewalk.
Chris looked over his shoulder and saw Leam gaining fast. He got