listeners and hear that they are enjoying the messages that we are broadcasting.
I need to keep pushing forward and sharing the messages of hope and love with my listeners. I feel as though I have finally come to understand my life's mission, which is to tell people about the light that can be found in Christ.
As she read, flipped through other pages; she saw that he wrote about the joy that he experienced as he encountered various people who had listened to his radio show. She read about his feelings and emotions as he struggled to decide what he should do to increase the revenue of the radio station so that they could stay afloat.
In his journal, her father didn't seem to hold anything back. It was as though those pages were his friend and confidante, a listening ear where he could turn to in times of struggle and in times of celebration. What a history he had left! Chelsea was so grateful that he had taken the time to record his thoughts, because she would be able to keep those words with her forever.
The words on the pages helped her to understand the connection that her father had with this radio station and how much he had agonized over the financial decisions that he had to make. Reading the words of her father made it more difficult for her to think about the idea that the radio station would be closing. She couldn't bear the thought of closing the doors on something that had meant so much to her father.
However, there was no way possible for the radio station to keep going. There was no one available to manage the show; someone needed to schedule and handle interviews. Mrs. Bullock was the only one left, and she didn't have the time or resources available to keep it going on her own. It was impossible to undertake such a big task with just one person, and there weren't any funds to hire more people to help.
Chelsea knew that she could not manage the radio station from her home in California because she already had enough on her plate with her own job. She had worked for years to move into her current position with the company, and she couldn't throw that career progression out the window for a small-town radio station. Many sacrifices had been made on a personal level so that she could achieve the career success that she desired. She couldn't step away from her dream.
She had created a new life. She loved her friends, nighttime entertainment, and the high-end restaurants that they enjoyed in California . She loved being close enough to be able to take weekend trips to the beach, and enjoyed the fast-paced environment of the office where she worked. She was on-track for a big promotion next year, and couldn't mess up her career opportunities by spending time on a small town radio station.
She loved her job, why would she want to add even more stress into her overflowing schedule? Of course, the day-to-day work of contacting clients and trying to make arrangements with online advertising clients could be exhausting at times, but she dealt with it because she enjoyed the lifestyle that the money provided.
Even if she wanted to give up her life back in California , there was no way that she could earn enough with the radio station to pay the bills. It was already struggling so much financially, that she wouldn't be able to earn an income because all of the cash flow would need to go towards paying off debt.
Plus, the radio station had been her father's source of fulfillment; not hers. She enjoyed the time that she spent with him in the studio when she was younger, but as a young girl, she never had the desire to grow up to manage a radio station.
Chelsea was feeling so torn about what she should do with the radio station. One part of her wanted to figure out a way to keep it going because she knew that her father loved it and it was such an inspiration to the people in the small town. Another part of her knew that the station faced a lot of problems, and the likelihood of success was slim. It would be much