it. That device is my lifeline.
“Taking control. Shutting you off. Take a half-hour to unplug. Please. I didn’t invite you over to visit with the top of your head.”
She’s right. My job requires me to be available and online, but I can take a minute to appease her. “Okay. Sorry. Let’s chat.” I place my hands on my lap like an attentive student, though my mind keeps racing, wondering if Julian has responded to my email yet, or even seen it for that matter.
Shannon places her coffee on the arm of the sofa, her hand gripped around it. “This is a little weird, now, I must admit. Your devices are like an additional limb on your body.”
Am I that bad? Everyone is like this these days. People take their phones everywhere. The bathroom, shopping, out to dinner. I even witness joggers checking their phone. Shannon is a rarity — I’m the norm.
“My boss hired another manager this week. Well, his fresh out of college nephew who’s supposed to help me with the big project I’ve been devoted to for the past three months.”
“I hope you held yourself together.”
“I did. I’m really pissed, though.” She knows me so well. I’m sure she expects me to paint a picture of myself as a fire-breathing dragon, but even I can tame my emotions when necessary.
Shannon shushes me and points over to her boys, who are still wrestling.
“Mom, we know that word,” Jake unlatches from his brother to say. “We’ve heard you use it plenty of times.”
“What! I have not!”
I smile at her. Busted. She used to have a mouth like a trucker, but when she had the boys, she cleaned it up. She doesn’t fool me, though. She still uses her fair amount of f-bombs and other not suitable for children words.
“You two go upstairs. Now. Let me visit with Aunt Cassie.”
I’m actually not their aunt, but I’ve known Shannon since high school, so I might as well be. She’s like the sister I never had. “Bye, guys.” I wait as they race each other up the stairs.
“You need to limit your phone time. Put it down. Find a hobby, for God’s sake.”
Are we back on this again? First, Aunt Ella corners me with the insatiable need to marry me off, and now Shannon insists I shut down my technology. “I do have a hobby.”
“Walking on the treadmill while you watch TV on your iPad is not a hobby. Put yourself out there and do something. You might meet a guy.”
“I meet plenty of guys.” I’m not shy about dating. At all. It’s June and I have five relationships under my belt. Of course, by relationships, I mean hook-ups. All nice men. All ready to commit. I’m too busy for something serious. Who wants to deal with a clingy man who has to spend all his time with me? My personal space is important to me. Casual hookups are the best. No commitment. No one gets hurt. Especially me.
She puts the coffee down again. “Look. Enough with your one-night-stands or whatever they are. Find someone to marry already.”
“Maybe I don’t want to get married.”
Her eyes widen like this is the first time she’s hearing this. “Who doesn’t want to get married ? A huge wedding and a flowing gown? Everyone’s attention on you for the entire day? And presents. Lots of presents.”
“Plenty of people. Take George Clooney, for example.”
“He is married.”
“Yeah, but consider how long it took him. I’ve got at least ten or fifteen more years before I’m his age.” Committing to another human being for the rest of my life? No. That’s not natural.
“I’m not saying you need to meet the guy you’re going to marry, but Cassie, stay with one person for a while. You’re kind of ...”
“Kind of what?” I know what she’s thinking, but I want her to say it.
“Well, if I’m being honest –”
“Please, be honest.” Do it. Say it. I dare you.
And she said it. Even if I was sure that was what she was thinking, hearing the actual words sting a little. “I’m thirty-nine years old, Shannon.