Chapter 5 I had preparations to make. There was no choice. Tim was right. I’d need to get out of St. Charles. When I was a kid, my dad would take me hunting at his friend’s place. It was in Calloway County which was way out in the sticks. The problem was I had no idea how to get there. I had a general idea but there were so many gravel roads out there I doubted I could find it. Plus it didn’t help that it had been at least 25 years since I’d been there. Unless I could come up with a better plan though, I was going to get stocked up on supplies and head out that way. I’d need to inventory what I had. After Mom died Dad had moved in with me. They’d been helping me out financially for a few years after my divorce. I’d had a hard time making my house payment along with all the other bills and it just made sense to move Dad in with me after Mom died and get rid of their house. The sad part was that the old man couldn’t live without Mom. He didn’t even last two years. He just didn’t want to go on without her. My dad had left me all his guns and all his hunting gear. He’d also left me a two hundred thousand dollar life insurance policy. I’d been able to pay off the house and get out from under all my other debt. After that, I still had about sixty-five thousand dollars in the bank. So I was pretty sure it would be within my means to get ready for what was to come. I brought all the guns and ammunition out and decided I’d need to clean all the guns. I had two twelve gauge shotguns and fifty shells for them. It was all birdshot so I’d need to get some slugs. There was a Bushmaster .223 with a red dot sight on it. I had five 30 shot magazines and 500 rounds of ammunition. I made a mental note to get 1000 more rounds. There was a Mossberg 715T .22 long rifle. I only had three 25 shot magazines and only 100 rounds for it. I’d need about 2000 more rounds and while I was at it, probably 10 more magazines. I also owned a Browning 1911 22 compact. The 1911 took .22 long rifle bullets and I’d need to get ten-ten shot magazines for it. My hunting rifle was a M1 carbine 30-30. I would buy 1000 rounds for the carbine and ten fifteen shot magazines for it. Dad’s hunting rifle was a Remington 30-06 semi automatic. Both it and the carbine had 7 magnification scopes. I really liked the 30-06 but it only held 5 rounds; four in the magazine and one in the chamber. Dad would say he could “hit a fly off a dog’s ass” with his 30-06 so it would come in handy for sniper shooting. I’d also pick up some extra magazines for it and 1000 rounds. There was Dad’s Colt 45 with seven in the magazine and one in the chamber. That would be my weapon of choice. I’d need more magazines and about 2000 rounds for it. I had a replica cavalry sword for close encounters and a dozen hunting knives of different sizes. I got out my old softball bats. I could just picture smacking some zombie in the head with one of those…bing-bong. I was hoping it wouldn’t come to that but I knew I was in for the fight of my life. My mind was racing trying to think of everything I’d need; food, water, gas, and propane. I was going to have to make a list and do some shopping. There was no way I could go to work five nights a week and get all this done. I had some vacation time coming and I guess I was going to take some. If they wouldn’t let me off I’d quit. Then if Tim was wrong I’d be screwed. I didn’t think I’d have to worry about that though. Who would I bring with me? I had a few friends but honestly after the divorce I’d lost touch with most of my old drinking buddies. I