Declutter Your Life: Reduce Stress, Increase Productivity, and Enjoy Your Clutter-Free Life Read Online Free Page B

Declutter Your Life: Reduce Stress, Increase Productivity, and Enjoy Your Clutter-Free Life
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do to ensure my son does well in school.
    If you have several children in school, you might consider providing each a small white board or bulletin board. You can also choose a door or wall in your home and paint it with white board or chalk board paint. This converts the entire space into an easy-to-access message and planning board.
Declutter Your Media
    When you hear about declutter and organization, media probably never crosses your mind. The truth is many people’s lives are full of unnecessary electronic media like television, social networking and video games. I am not one of those hardcore folks that want you to toss out the big screen because television rots your brain. However, I do think many people spend far too much time in front of a screen of some sort and this can impact their entire life.
    Recent statistics from indicate that the average child in the United States spends more hours in a year watching television than they do in school. The average person watches approximately 25 hours of television or movies each week. That is a massive drain on time and we have not even included internet use. You could be spending 40 or 50 hours each week on these pursuits. That is equal to a full time job. By cutting back on electronic media activity, you free up your schedule for quality time with friends, productive work, and other activities that will help you achieve goals.
Declutter Television Habits
    Think about how you watch television. Are there times when you sit in from the screen and watch whatever is on out of habit or inertia? You are already there, so you just tune in to the next program. There is a difference between passive television viewing like this and watching a show you really enjoy. There is a value to watching something that is entertaining and touches your heart or mind. Our family enjoys watching certain programs together because of this. Here are some things you can do to reduce your television habit to items you really enjoy and cut out all the time-eating fluff.
Decide how much television you can afford to watch each week. Make a list of shows to watch and stop when you reach the allotted time. This will force you to prioritize.
Record shows on a DVR or TiVo and fast forward through commercials in order to reduce the total time spent on a show.
Purchase or rent shows on DVD to increase your family’s control over when and how you watch television.
Designate a certain time each evening for television. Our family watches television between 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. on weeknights.
When you start watching a show, evaluate how you or the family feels about it. Never keep watching a show just because you started it. Your time is valuable, and you want to fill it with entertainment you truly enjoy.
Declutter Social Media Habits
    How many social media accounts do you have and how often do you check them? As a freelance writer, I struggled with time management for several months. I could not figure out how so many hours passed by, but I did not get much work done. As I took stock of how I spent the time, I realized that I was checking Facebook in a habitual manner every time I used my browser. I was not spending a great deal of time during each session, but a few minutes were wasted every time. It probably added up over the course of a day to two hours or more.
    Take stock of your social media habits. You may be filling your time with Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, LinkedIn and more. In addition to reducing your productivity, social media use might add to your mental clutter. I found that when I read updates from numerous friends every few hours, my mind became occupied with things other than the task at hand. From worry about sick friends to jealousy over someone’s newest vacation pictures, I was being distracted. Decluttering your social media habits involves recognizing that they are a bad habit. Once you can do that, here are some tips for keeping social media connections without
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