are available for this hunt. Missy said one of the few requirements Count VanderVelde made was that you couldn’t bring any gear with you. Nothing, in fact. No handguns, no knives, no sights —absolutely nothing. (Of course, you each sneaked a duck call onto the island. No way were you guys going on a hunting expedition without those. Duck calls aren’t “gear.” They’re essential.) Everything you could imagine and more would be here, according to your wife. And the weaponry room might be a clue to what you’ll be hunting.
Winchester leads the four of you into an elevator. He punches in a security code to get the elevator moving, and you begin to descend. How far down, you’re not sure. When the door opens, you realize this whole floor must be the weaponry room.
All of you get off the elevator and say a collective “Whoa.” Willie seems more dumbfounded than anyone else, but that’s not hard for him to do because most of the time he just looks dumb.
Every weapon you know of is here at your disposal, including a lot you’ve never laid eyes on before. It’s incredible. Maybe “Count VanderVelde” is really a pseudonym for Batman. ’Cause it looks like this guy has got an arsenal the size of the superhero’s own.
“Impressive, isn’t it?” Winchester’s looking at you. “You will select the weapons of your choice each day. You are permitted to have one large weapon —to the right over there, on the wall. Then you’ll be allowed to choose a couple smaller items, which are straight ahead. Gear and clothing are on the racks and shelves to your left.”
“Wait a minute,” you say. “Do each of us get weapons of our choice?”
“You will each receive your own weapon, of course, but all of you will have the same type of device.”
There’s no question where you go first. Gear and clothing are nice, and smaller weapons are necessary, but you want to take a look at the goods. The real good stuff. So you and the rest of the gang head to the wall showcasing all the big weapons.
A massive crossbow catches your attention. It’s a kind you’ve never seen.
“Can we take these off the wall?” you ask Winchester.
“Of course,” he says. “There is a small ladder to climb for the items near the top.”
This is like a showcase for some high-end weapons shop. There’s only one of each piece on display, but Winchester reassures you that they actually have multiples of everything. You scan the row of prominent items before you.
“If you like, I’d be happy to name the items you see here, along with their particular highlights.” It sounds like Winchester’s talking about people instead of weapons.
“That’d be great.”
“I see you’re eyeing the crossbow,” he says with a hand extended toward the black bow, which is covered with lots of gadgets and components. “This is a test model produced in Europe by a small company. Called the Sphinx 300. It’s larger than most, but what makes it truly unique is how lightweight it happens to be.”
Winchester takes the bow off the wall and gives it to John Luke. He seems to be in disbelief holding it. When it gets to you, you feel the same way. It’s probably half the weight of your own crossbow.
“The stock resembles a sleek, military-style model,” Winchester explains. “It has the highest-known feet-per-second shooting speed —almost twice that of the closest competitor out there. The draw weight is light, and it’s quite comfortable to cock. But the real magic here, gentlemen, is the arrows.”
He produces one of the arrows from the quiver. “You will have six of these. You won’t want to fire off many of them. They are set to be able to cut through any living, breathing thing. Well, almost any.”
You turn to Willie and see him laugh silently. You gotta give it to this Winchester fella —he takes his job very seriously .
You hand the crossbow back to Winchester, and he places it on the wall again before continuing on