DeVante's Coven Read Online Free

DeVante's Coven
Book: DeVante's Coven Read Online Free
Author: SM Johnson
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maybe fifty. His belly trembled. It appealed to his slave fantasy. He might even pretend to be innocent.
    He was waiting at the proper corner on the proper night, at the proper time.
    The car was big and black. It stopped and the back door swung open. A man’s voice called to him. “You waiting to go to a party?”
    Tony’s heart pounded. “Yeah.”
    “Gotta wear a blindfold. The whole time.” The voice sounded bored. “Still interested?”
    A shiver raced up Tony’s spine. A blindfold. Wow. “Okay.”
    “Get in and shut your eyes.”
    Tony got in. As soon as he settled on the seat arms came around his head and soft materiel fell over his eyes. It was tightened.
    Fingers grabbed his chin and turned his head to the right, toward the window. “Open your eyes. Can you see anything?”
    He couldn’t. “No.”
    “Good. Keep your mouth shut and take your clothes off.”
    A thud on the side of the head like maybe being flicked with thumb and finger. It stung.
    The guy’s voice was still bored. “Or we can just let you off right here and you can walk back where you came from. Part of this gig is doing what you’re told. You’d be smart to either do that or get out of the car.”
    Tony shrugged out of his jacket. He was startled to find that he was totally not horny. He was uncomfortable about getting undressed in the car. It wasn’t that he was being treated like a piece of meat. He was looking forward to that. It was that the people in this car weren’t treating him like anything at all. Complete disinterest.
    He took his clothes off. Wriggling out of his jeans was difficult. The rest was easy.
    As soon as he was naked the car stopped. A hand squeezed his shoulder. “Get out of the car.”
    “Smart boys don’t talk. There is a man standing outside the car who will take you to the party. Go.”
    The man’s hand brushed Tony’s limp penis as it reached for the door handle. A breeze from outside rushed in. Tony’s penis stirred.
    As soon as he stepped from the car someone grabbed his arm. “Right this way, young man.”
    Tony started to relax. This man’s voice was interesting. Better, it held a high note of restrained excitement. More like it.
    “Here’s the van. Step up.”
    Tony let the man steer him into the van. The man held Tony still and pushed past him, his clothing rough against Tony’s skin.
    “Please,” it was a whisper. “On your knees.”
    The dumpster was his camouflage, the alley in the dark his just reward. He was here to smell the putrid garbage, to remind himself exactly what he was and what he deserved. This is no glamorous, high-class justifiable gig. No, this is the existence of wolves, the pack choosing the weak and tearing it limb from limb. This is the life of a vulture, circling human carrion, reveling in the demise of the rotted corpse.
    He was thinking thus when a white van rolled by and a bundle wrapped in a gray paint-stained tarp was tossed out. It hit the ground with a thud, a mere five inches from Roderick’s foot.
    Roderick’s nostrils twitched and he wrinkled his nose. He smelled the unpleasantness of human excrement. Human carrion. He had chosen this alley for slumming and here was proof. Cast away death.
    The smell of fresh blood among the waste drew him to nudge the bundle with the toe of his polished black boot.
    It moaned.
    That was curious.
    Without urgency Roderick knelt beside the bundle and sliced the tarp away with his fingernails. Subtitle the scene ‘Death hovers,’ he thought to himself with a wry grin.
    He could hear the poor desperate heart beating a rapid one-two, one-two rhythm, forcing the blood more quickly toward whatever terrible fatal wound had been suffered. He could see the blood now, bright red.
    The Hunger rose, clawing up from his belly, fierce need, too bold to fight.
    He had come here to wallow among the garbage and this he would do.
    The poor soul at his feet had not enough life left in him to
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