Direct Descent Read Online Free

Direct Descent
Book: Direct Descent Read Online Free
Author: Frank Herbert
Tags: Fiction, General, Science-Fiction
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sixty-ninth level group behind fire panels.” He turned back to Sil-Chan. “Now, get in touch with every insurgent under you and have them turn in their arms to robots which I’ll release for the job. I know who some of your men are. They’d better be among the ones you contact. If you make one move I don’t like, this lever goes down and stays down!”
    “You!” said Sil-Chan. He ground his teeth together. “I knew I should’ve carried a blaster when I came in here. But no! You and Patterson were the civilized types! We could reason with you!”
    “Start making those calls,” said Coogan. He pushed his desk visor toward the other man.
    O O O
    Sil-Chan jerked the visor to him, obeyed. Coogan gave his orders to robot dispatching headquarters, waited for Sil-Chan to finish. The Mundial native finally pushed the visor back across the desk. “Does that satisfy you?” he demanded.
    “No.” Coogan steepled his hands in front of him. “I’m arming some of the staff I can trust. Their orders will be to shoot to kill if there’s a further act of insurrection.” He leaned forward. “In addition, we’re going to have guard stations between sectors and a regular search procedure. You’re not getting another chance to cause trouble.”
    Sil-Chan clenched and unclenched his fists. “And what do you intend to do about this Pchak and his Leader Adams?”
    “They’re the government,” said Coogan. “As such, the Code requires that we obey their orders. I will obey their orders. And, any man on the staff who even hints at disobedience, I’ll personally turn over to Pchak for disciplinary action.”
    Sil-Chan arose slowly. “I’ve known you more than sixty years, Mr. Coogan. That just shows how little you can learn about a rat. After you’ve lost the Library to this madman, you won’t have a friend left here. Not me, not the people who trust you now. Not your wife or your family.” He sneered. “Why—one of your own sons, Phil, is in with us.” He pointed a finger at Coogan. “I intend to tell everyone about the threat you used today to gain control of the Library.”
    “Control of the Library is my earned right,” said Coogan. He smiled, pushed down the lever in the control wall. The wall made a quarter turn on a central pivot. “Toris, send up a repair robot when you report back to Pchak. I’ve special installations I want to make here.”
    Sil-Chan came to the edge of the desk, staring down at the lever which had controlled the movement of the wall. “Tricked me!”
    “You tricked yourself,” said Coogan. “You did it the moment you turned your back on our greatest strength—obedience to the government.”
    Sil-Chan grunted, whirled and left the office.
    Coogan watched the door as it closed behind the other man, thought, If I only had as much faith in those words as I’m supposed to have.
    O O O
    She was a pretty woman with hair like glowing coals, small features except for a wide, sensual mouth. Her green eyes seemed to give off sparks to match her hair as she stared out of the visor at Coogan.
    “Vince, where have you been?” she demanded.
    He spoke in a tired voice. “I’m sorry, Fay. I had work that had to be done.”
    She said, “The boys brought their families from Antigua for a reunion and we’ve been ready for you for hours. What’s going on? What’s this nonsense Toris is bleating?”
    Coogan sighed and brushed a hand through his hair. “I don’t know what Toris is saying. But the Library is in a crisis. Patterson is dead and I’ve nobody I can trust to hold things together.”
    Her eyes went wide; she put a hand to her mouth, spoke through her fingers. “Oh, no! Not Pat!”
    “Yes,” he said.
    “I guess it was too much for him,” said Coogan. “He was old.”
    “I couldn’t believe Toris,” she said.
    Coogan felt a great weariness just at the edge of his mind. “You said the boys are there,” he said. “Ask Phil if he was part of the group backing
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