Do You Trust Me? Read Online Free

Do You Trust Me?
Book: Do You Trust Me? Read Online Free
Author: Desconhecido(a)
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way I won’t have to answer any questions. Or face McCall
    A heavy pounding on
the door brought her back to reality.
    “Rina?” McCall’s
voice sounded like gravel. “Do I need to come in there and get you?”
    She turned off the
shower and pulled back the curtain, reaching for a towel. “Not if you value
your life. I’m almost through.”
    She was belted into
the robe, a towel wrapped around her wet head, and was reaching for the door
when it opened, startling her. In her addled state, she’d apparently forgotten
to lock it. Damn!
    “I hope there isn’t a
spyhole you were watching through,” she spat at McCall. “I’d hate to have you
arrested as a Peeping Tom.”
    As usual, he ignored
her and held out a small bottle. “Aspirin. Take two right now.”
    Before she could back
away from him, he was in her space, his hands on her face as he examined the
damage to her nose and head. The gentleness of his touch was in marked contrast
to his attitude and made her wonder what emotions might be at war within him,
too. She desperately needed an ally here, but how could she trust a man who
closed himself off yet gave mixed signals? And how did she deal with the fact
that just the touch of his fingers sent electric shocks through her body,
making her breasts ache and her pussy quiver with need?
    “Well, nothing’s
broken,” he said, confirming her own diagnosis. “But your nose won’t be looking
any too swift for a while. And you’ll probably have a hell of a bruise on the
side of your face.”
    “Thanks, Dr. McCall.
I can take care of it from here.”
    “Sully has coffee
waiting. Five minutes.”
    He was gone, leaving
her staring open-mouthed after him.
    As she dried her hair
with the hotel blow dryer, she tried to figure out what she was going to say to
Sullivan Raines, head of John’s special unit. Anything but the truth, that was
for sure. John had been betrayed. Trust no one, he’d told her. She had to
believe he knew what he was talking about.
    She touched the
locket nestled at the hollow of her throat.
    Don’t worry, John. I’ll
do whatever I need to. Just stay safe.
    Twenty-four hours
    “Help me, Dusty.
Someone’s betrayed me.”
    The use of her childhood
nickname threw Rina off balance. Her breath caught in her chest, and every
muscle in her body froze from the shock of hearing her brother’s voice after
three years of silence.
    Pressing the cordless
phone against her ear, she strained to hear over the popping sound of the poor
connection. “John? I can hardly understand you. Is it safe for you to call me?”
    “No choice.” His
voice sounded hollow, as if he were in a deep hole. “I’ve...something that
scares the hell out of me. People...see me disappear.”
    “What? John, what are
you talking about? You’re frightening me.”
    “Just listen, okay?
Remember the key...townhouse I sent you...time ago?”
    Even through the distortion
she could hear his labored breathing—ragged, as if he’d been running too hard. “Rina?”
    “Yes. I’m here. A key
for emergencies.”
    “Right.” He coughed,
a harsh, dry sound. “You still have...directions?”
    “Yes.” Fear pressed
in on her chest like an elephant had stepped on it.
    “Go to the airport. waiting.” He struggled to get out the details of the flight and
the rental car.
    Beyond the ragged
breathing, Rina heard a barely-concealed groan of pain. Terrifying images of
him, bloodied and dying, slammed into her brain. She nearly dropped the phone. “You’re
Each word sounded as if it was being dragged from him by force. His voice grew
weaker as the connection faded in and out.
    “Don’t let me lose
you, John. Please let me help you.”
    “Help by doing this,
    There it was again.
The nickname. It was almost her undoing.
    “Oh, John.” Tears
clogged her throat.
    “I don’t think...gonna
make it this time, kiddo. Someone gave me up...hunt...find out
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