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Eagle's Refuge
Book: Eagle's Refuge Read Online Free
Author: Regina Carlysle
Tags: Romance
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pretty eyes.
    “What about you, hm? Where do you—”
    Shelly suddenly stopped at their table, an apologetic look on her face. “Um, boss, could you come check something really quick? That ice maker is still acting up.”
    “I just had it repaired today.”
    “He messed up somewhere then because it’s still not working right.”
    Mac stood and looked down at Callie who hurried to reassure him. “No, don’t worry about me, Mac. Take care of business. I’ll stay right here.”
    Impulsively, he reached down and gave her shoulder a light squeeze. “Don’t move.
    Be right back.”
    Chasing after Callie Hill probably wasn’t the best thing to be doing while technically on duty, he thought as he fooled around with the industrial ice maker and
    handled a couple of other small details. No, he was taking tomorrow night off and showing her the sights, assuming she said yes.
    Mac headed back into the main area of the club just as the band was taking a break.
    A sudden male shout went up and then Mac’s eyes went wide when one Miller brother launched himself at the other, fists flying.
    Mac ran toward the scene of chaos just as one of the brothers caught a fist in the nose and fell backward into Shelly who was trying to balance a tray loaded with pitchers of beer. Shelly yelped and jumped, the tray tilting back, and then he heard a scream.
    He arrived at table five just in time to see Callie get drenched by an entire pitcher of beer. Jarred, she jumped to her feet. The white shirt she wore might as well have been transparent. It was plastered to her breasts, emphasizing the outward hard thrust of her nipples and the small indent of her bellybutton.
    “Get them outta here,” Mac roared to the bartenders who’d also rushed into the fray. “Right damn now!”
    Holy flyin’ fuck!
    Callie’s eyes were wide in disbelief when she stared down at herself and saw the mess she was in. Mac hurried over just as she crossed her arms over her breasts, clearly visible beneath the sodden fabric. “Here now, honey. You just come on with me. I’ll get you fixed up.”
    He drew her against his body as two of his biggest, meanest employees escorted the sorry Miller brothers from Hell’s Bells. “Shelly?”
    “Yeah, boss.”
    “Tell the band to get busy. We need to get the crowd settled down.”
    She nodded and took off as he tucked Callie closer and led her through the crowd of people and to his office.
    “Damn, I’m so sorry about this, darlin’. I feel so bad.”
    He led her into the room and turned to look at her, every apology he could think of sweeping through his mind. She stared at him for a second or two then started to laugh.
    She had to be in shock.
    Finally she shook her head, managed to swallow her mirth and gave him a teary-eyed look. “Ah Mac, don’t worry about it. All I know is you sure as heck know how to show a girl an exciting time.”
    Mac smiled. Had to love a woman who was such a good sport. “Come with me,” he said. “I have an apartment back here and I figure I can find a clean tee shirt somewhere.
    You can put that on.”
    She followed him into his living quarters, her arms still crossed over her chest.
    “This is nice, Mac. You live here?”
    His apartment wasn’t much. It was a one-room affair with the bed at one end, a couch, a television and a small kitchen. Spartan living conditions, but it was close to work. That was for sure.
    “Yeah. It’s not much, I know. I have a house outside town but I haven’t moved into it yet.” Mac dug through a drawer and found a tee shirt, which he handed her. “Here ya go. Bathroom is over there. Make yourself at home.”
    Callie ducked into his small bathroom and re-emerged a few minutes later carrying her sodden shirt. A lacy beige-colored bra peeked from the crumpled fabric. Mac found a plastic grocery store sack on the counter of his kitchen which she used to put the wet stuff into. He grinned at her.
    “You look kind of cute in my tee
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