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Eagle's Refuge
Book: Eagle's Refuge Read Online Free
Author: Regina Carlysle
Tags: Romance
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shirt.” The thing hung to her knees, almost swallowing her whole.
    Holding out her arms, she looked down at herself. “What? This old thing?” Then she wrinkled her nose. “God! I reek. Your tee shirt will never be the same. I promise to get this washed up and returned to you, Mac.”
    “There’s no hurry. For what it’s worth, it looks a helluva lot better on you than it ever looked on me.”
    From out of nowhere, he recalled the way her breasts had looked with her wet shirt plastered to them. Damn. He’d wanted to take one of those hard, perky nipples right into his mouth to suck. To say she was magnificent was an understatement. It had been a hell of long time since he’d been attracted to the point of desperation but he was the kind of man who could put his cards on the table and play them. He would have her, get to know her, or die trying.
    As he drove her toward her little house on Peach Street, Callie kept up a steady stream of chatter as he pointed out one local landmark after another. It didn’t take long for them to reach her house. Morgan’s Creek wasn’t a big place, after all. She went quiet as they approached her front door and she dug in the pocket of her jeans for the house key. “Can you come in for a while?” Then Callie smiled and shook her head. “I’m sorry, you have a business to run and you’ve already taken too much time dealing with my little wardrobe malfunction.”
    “Hey, don’t worry about it.” He took the key from her hand, inserted it into the lock and opened her door. “One of the benefits of being boss is I get to do what I want. Now that the Miller brothers have been tossed out on their butts, things should stay pretty calm but I probably need to get back.”
    Callie leaned against the doorframe and looked up at him. “I understand. Thanks for the loan of the shirt and for getting me home, Mac.”
    Mac wanted to make his intentions toward her perfectly clear. Stepping close, he propped his arm against the doorframe, effectively caging her. His hand settled directly over her head. Her eyes went wide as he leaned in. “You work tomorrow, right?”
    Her gaze swept his face, settling briefly on his lips before she looked him straight in the eye. “Uh-huh.”
    “Me too. My next day off is Sunday. I assume you are closed that day.”
    “I am,” she whispered.
    Mac reached out and traced her lips with the tip of his finger. “Tell you what. Why don’t I pick you up late Sunday afternoon? I’ll show you the sights, such as they are, and we’ll grab some dinner.”
    “Are you asking me out on a date, Mac Moreno?”
    “Hell yes. What do you say?”
    “I say absolutely.”
    And then Mac did what he’d been dying to do since seeing her that very first time.
    Moving close enough to feel her breath brush his lips, he pressed his mouth over hers and kissed her. She was sweet, warm, and tasted like sunshine. Callie opened her lips when he swept his tongue deep and he felt the tiny sound she made move through him like lightning. His erection thickened, lengthened behind the fly of his jeans, making demands he knew Callie would reject at this point. Frustration made his belly tighten.
    It had been a hell of a long time since he’d wanted a woman this much.
    Deepening the kiss, he sank his hand into her hair and moved close enough to feel her soft curves brush his chest. Knowing she wore nothing at all beneath his old tee shirt was pure torment. He wanted to touch her more than he wanted his next breath but he held off. Pushing her this quickly might scare her away. Mac didn’t want that.
    He had big plans for Callista Hill and they didn’t include a quick feel on her front porch.
    Breathing heavily, he drew away, pleased to see she was affected too. Dark hunger moved through his body. Releasing her, he cupped the side of her face and pressed one more kiss on her swollen lips. “I’ll see you Sunday, Callie.”

Chapter Three
    At about four on Sunday afternoon, Callie
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