and down. ‘Good. You are to think about why you are being spanked. Do you understand?’ He squeezed the area of the slap and felt her wince. She vigorously bobbed her head again. ‘Very well, then we shall continue.’
Elizabeth felt her petticoat being drawn up, and was mortified that at any moment she would be laying with just a single layer of fine silk covering her nakedness. Oh, what had she done to him to deserve such mortifying treatment? Why was he being such a brutish beast?
She felt his fingers play with the tie around the top of her most private of undergarments, and thought she would die of humiliation. Using both hands he undid the bow, then let his fingernails lightly scrape the fine skin of her cheeks as he slowly pulled the panties down. She gasped in horror, her face burning with embarrassment.
Soon the flimsy silk underwear was dangling unevenly from her thighs, just above her knees. Lord Michael smiled; her clothing was in disarray, but she looked exquisitely attractive nonetheless. He feasted his eyes upon her splendid derrière. So delicious was it, it just begged to be spanked, so white and virginal. He caressed the skin with his hands, pinching lightly, watching the blood come and go. It would please him indeed to witness the white flesh turning crimson under his discipline. The rudeness with which she treated those unfortunate enough to have been born below her station was cause for discipline alone. Not to mention her lofty airs and graces. Oh, she was going to be spanked for certain, as she should have been many times before.
Though horrified at her forced nakedness, Elizabeth was being strangely calmed by the soft caresses of his hand upon her smooth skin. She also felt a peculiar excitement moving through her nether regions, and began to breathe a little easier. Perhaps it had all been a big bluff…
But to her astonishment and dismay his hand suddenly swept down, twice, landing with fire. She kicked out, the hot sting sparking through her like an electric shock. He had spanked her on each cheek with significant force, and her involuntary scream sounded odd through the gag. She waited, breathing heavily through flared nostrils, tense.
‘Those were just the first two of many, Elizabeth,’ Lord Michael said severely. ‘You’d better relax your body or you’ll be totally exhausted when we’re done, and you have a long day ahead of you. I won’t allow you to slack off for one minute either, young lady. Now calm your breathing.’
Attempting to do as he said she took several deep breaths, in an attempt to compose herself as much as the circumstances would allow. His hand landed again and she gasped, and then his open palm continued to rise and fall on her tender flesh.
Lord Michael observed with satisfaction as the spanking caused a deepening red glow to spread across her deliciously round bottom.
‘You are a rude, thoughtless, petulant, and arrogant young lady,’ he said as he continued to spank her, ‘and you are totally without humility.’
Elizabeth couldn’t believe this was happening to her as her muffled cries kept pace with his smacking hand. His words stung almost as much as his slaps.
‘You are disobedient,’ he went on, ‘and you are disrespectful. Not to mention wasteful and wilful. And you treat the servants poorly.’
She twisted and wriggled but he held her securely, never missing a beat. Soon tears were squeezing from her tightly shut eyes, and with each smack she felt the sting more acutely. Then just when she was sure she could take no more, the punishment stopped. Her heart was pounding, her breathing ragged.
Lord Michael gazed out at the picturesque garden. The early-autumn sun was casting its mid-morning glory across the lush green lawns. The spoiled girl was attempting to regain some kind of control, so he waited until her writhing became less so, and when finally he felt she could pay him attention, he cast his eyes back down upon her ruby-red