Vegas Heat Read Online Free

Vegas Heat
Book: Vegas Heat Read Online Free
Author: Fern Michaels
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next question is, where do we get the money? Do we form a separate company or do we license them under Rainbow Babies or Sunny’s Togs? I thought we could hire the Bernsteins to get our publicity started. We can have a million of these on the market by next Christmas.”
    Sage stared at his sister, his face full of awe. “Just like that! Where are you going to manufacture them?”
    “Made in the good old U.S. of A. Forty bucks a pop or $39.95. People like to walk away with change even if it’s only a nickel. We learned that in marketing class.”
    Fanny held the soft fabric doll in her hands. As always, she marveled at her younger daughter’s abilities. “The scraps from Rainbow Babies, right?”
    “Yes, but each face is different. I know eight people that come to mind who will be willing to work on the faces. The doll itself and the garment can be made for under a dollar if mass produced. The faces are what will cost, and labor of course. Sign on, Sage, we can use your expertise. You said you want out of Babylon. So, what do you all think?”
    “I think this is one of your best ideas,” Bess said, a calculator in hand.
    “Billie, these dolls are priceless. I wish I had your talent. Can I have the first one off the line for my new baby, Bernie if he’s a boy? If I have a girl, I’ll take Blossom. They are so adorable. Raggedy Ann and Andy will be passé.”
    Billie reached into the bag again and withdrew two tissue-wrapped bundles. “I already made them for you. I wanted something special for you. That’s where I got the idea. Think about it, Sunny, you have a clothing company named after you and now you’re the inspiration behind these two dolls. I don’t think we’re headed to the poor house just yet.”
    “This calls for a celebration,” Fanny said.
    “Let’s have some of that same wine you and Grandma Sallie had that famous day you first met. Tell us the story again, Mom,” Sage said.
    “It was wartime and I was meeting your grandmother for the first time ...”
    The moment the door closed behind Ash Thornton, he went into a rage. “Now, do you see what your mother is capable of? She undermines every single thing I do. If she’d keep her nose out of the casino business, things would be just fine. Do I interfere in her business? No, I do not. Your mother has to dabble in everything. She’s not content to own two of the biggest clothing companies in the country, she has to make her presence felt in everything that concerns me. I’m not going to let that happen. We’re going to go ahead with those riverboats. I want you in Mississippi tomorrow. Get everything under way. She won’t stop us. If she does ... I’ll deal with it then and there. When Sunny comes back from lunch, send her in here. She’s out of here until that kid arrives. I have enough problems without her jinxing me. Why are you looking at me that way, Birch? Business is business. We’re on top, and I plan on staying there. So I already took a mortgage out, so what? I got a good interest rate and cut Granger’s markers to half. That’s how you do business in this town. I love bankers who gamble. Hell, the governor was in here two weeks ago, and he shot a load that made me blink. You suck up to these people and you can get anything you want. You have to know how to play the game. Your mother doesn’t know the name of the game much less how to play it. I even know what her next move is going to be. She’s going to raise the rates on the sewage and electric plants. That won’t endear us to the rest of the owners. The dark stuff will start to fly. Anything can happen in this town and take my word for it, something will happen as soon as those rate hikes go into effect. Your mother talks a good game about tightening our belts and all that crap. Don’t kid yourself, son, it’s what Fanny wants when Fanny wants it. Thanks for sticking up for me. They’ll eat our dust yet. ”
    “Dad, this is all wrong. The past is past.
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