closer, he scanned the surrounding beach for any sign of the goblins.
Guttural grunts from the side were the only warning he had before three of them jumped at him, knocking him from his horse.
Years of fighting to survive allowed him to keep his sword in his hand and land without impaling himself, or injuring Stryder. He rolled as he landed, coming up into a fighting crouch and striking out with his foot, sweeping his three attackers off their feet.
Stryder reared into the air stomping one of his attacker into the sand.
“More fucking goblins!”
Lerik’s brow furrowed at the sweet female voice. Apparently, his consort could curse like a common serving wench. He turned his head to see how she fared, and the sight made him freeze with shock.
She kneed one goblin in the crotch, and when he crouched to grab his tender bits, she elbowed him in the face, causing a spurt of green blood from his nose. Meanwhile, Max had set about taking large bites out of any goblin ankles that came too close to his lady.
Pain sizzled through Lerik’s head and as if from a distance, he felt himself fall to his knees in the sand. Only years of hardened battle and instincts had him swinging his sword out in a wide arc until screams of pain accompanied slight resistance as his sword met goblin flesh.
He turned his head to check for more attackers, and the world swam in front of him.
Then Max was licking his face in large enthusiastic motions.
“Must heal Lerik, Astiria,” Max said in between slobbery licks. “Must leave Marsoon before more goblins come.”
Max’s words sounded very far away, even though the fuzzy warmth of the gargoyle pressed against Lerik’s chest.
“I don’t know how to heal him, Max.” Astiria’s words were husky and low making Lerik smile through his pain. “On the computer there’s a button I click to heal someone. Can we get him onto his horse like this?”
“Astiria must! She choose healer in game options. Here in Verrath, Astiria can heal.” Max’s weight moved off his chest and cool feminine hands settled over his forehead, beating back the pain. “Put hands on Lerik. Picture him healthy inside Astiria’s head.”
“Shit. Why couldn’t I have chosen something I actually know how to do in reality?”
Lerik’s lips quirked at the curse, and then she moved her hands over his skin leaving behind a trail of liquid heat that had nothing to do with healing. His erection strained against his already uncomfortable trousers and he groaned.
“Crap, Max. I hurt him.”
Lerik opened his mouth to explain, but no words came out, and she swam unsteadily in his line of sight.
She puffed out a breath fluttering her red mass of hair, then repositioned her hands and closed her eyes.
Lerik allowed his own eyes to drift closed as the familiar warm tingling of magical healing teased at his senses. It wasn’t the full healing rush he was used to from other healers—it was obvious this was her first time using her new powers. However, as his headache cleared, he was able to open his eyes without the world spinning.
His consort still knelt over him, her eyes closed, sweat beading over her forehead while her lips silently chanted unknown words. Lerik pushed himself up to a sitting position and grabbed her wrists.
Her green eyes popped open, widening as he dragged her forward into his embrace. A small squeak broke from her throat as his lips closed over hers.
Fissions of fire flashed between them as he dipped his tongue inside the plush paradise of her mouth. She tasted of ale and something he couldn’t quite identify.
Lerik swallowed her moan as she buried her fingers into his hair, dislodging his leather tie and spilling his hair over his shoulders.
Tentative at first, soon she met his tongue thrust for thrust and plastered each of her full curves fully against him.
A small growl from Max brought Lerik out of the haze of passion, as if