Fantasy Quest Read Online Free

Fantasy Quest
Book: Fantasy Quest Read Online Free
Author: Tina Gerow
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anyone, but another quick look at the goblins made her close her mouth.   If she had to choose, belonging to Lerik sounded like a much better deal.
    One of the goblins stepped forward.   “Once she’s properly declared, no one will question Marsoon’s claim.”   He stabbed the air in front of him with his sword as he opened his fly and leered at Astiria.   “Take them, and save the gargoyle for dessert.”
    With startling clarity, the meaning of declared hit her like a blow to the gut.   Before she could decide what to do, Max darted forward to sink his teeth deep into the leader’s leg.
    Strong arms grabbed Astiria from behind.   Panic surged through her, and her knees threatened to buckle beneath her.
    A flash of sunlight glinted off the leader’s sword as it came down in an arc headed directly for Max’s neck.   Anger and fear for Max burst through her and she kicked her foot back, surprising her captor and loosening his grip.   “Max!”   She rushed forward, blocking the arc of the sword with her shoulder and knocking her fuzzy purple rescuer free.
    Pain sliced through her as the sword hit her shoulder, driving her to her knees.   She let instinct and adrenaline take over.   Her hand darted forward toward the goblin’s exposed crotch, and her fingers closed around his bulging privates.
    Using all the strength she could muster she squeezed and then twisted.
    A pained squeak filled the air before the goblin crumpled, clutching his injured manhood.   She bolted to her feet, worry for Max twisting her insides, as she cradled her useless left arm.
    Suddenly a large silvery column of light vortexed around her and the pain in her shoulder disappeared.   A quick look confirmed her suspicion that she’d been healed.
    I’ll be damned, I must’ve made a new level in the game.   Most games gave a healing boost whenever that happens.
    A tingling inside her palm made her rub her hand against her thigh before whipping around to look for Max.
    When she turned, she saw him expertly weaving in and out of the goblins’ legs and easily avoiding their sword thrusts.
    That’s what I get for assuming he can’t take care of himself!
    Astiria refused to stand by and be the helpless damsel in distress.   She picked up a handful of sand and thrust it into the face of the nearest goblin.
    Lerik paced his chambers, his boots stomping a flat line in the rushes from the man-sized fireplace and back to the door.   The door his consort should already be entering through.
    He scowled and resisted the urge to yell for one of the servants to see if his consort had arrived yet.   However, since he’d bellowed for the servants on and off for the past few hours, they’d found ways to make themselves scarce.
    “I’ve waited patiently for far too long.   Where the hell is she?”   A man of action, he decided he could wait no longer.
    “Oopec!”   His voice boomed across the castle and he heard scuttling, as if all the servants shuffled into hiding at his call.   He scowled again.   He was the lord of this castle, he could damn well call anyone he pleased.
    Before he could rip the door from its hinges in preparation for giving one of the servants the same treatment, a stocky wood elf scurried in through the door, his small round spectacles slipping down his nose.
    “Yes, Lord Lerik.   You called?”
    “Nay, my Lord,” Oopec cut in neatly.   “She has entered the portal to Verrath, but has not arrived at the castle gates.”   Oopec craned his neck to look up at Lerik’s chest and raised one thin dark brow.   “And bellowing and scaring the life out of everyone will bring her no faster.”
    “Damned insolent elf.”   He glowered at the elf, using his superior height and bulk to tower over him.   When Oopec merely gazed back patiently, Lerik ground his teeth in frustration.   “I’ll have your pointy ears removed and served to me for breakfast.”
    “Yes, my Lord.  
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