Fire Burns Hot ((An FBI/ Romance Thriller~ (Book 5))) Read Online Free

Fire Burns Hot ((An FBI/ Romance Thriller~ (Book 5)))
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was away on an assignment. It made her a nervous wreck when he was in the field and not by their sides. Only because, he was still new at the whole ‘agent’ thing. But like a good partner, she put her faith in his ability and training. Callen was Director of Native American Affairs, and was in the middle of mediating between a reservation issue and a local police department squabble.
    Glancing down, Elizabeth admired the two rings sitting together on her finger. One from Ethan, the day they married on the Rez. The other was from Callen, on the day they’d made a commitment to each other. Granted she and Whitefox wouldn’t ever be able to make a trip down the aisle, they still took vows and stood by them. Some promises didn’t need paper to back them up.
    Wearing their rings meant something to Elizabeth. They were a symbol of love and pride. From day one, she was never ashamed of the union into which they entered.
    Once they told Wyler Blackhawk , Ethan and Callen’s father, the truth about their situation, he accounted many stories from his own childhood. His father had often regaled Wyler with the tales of braves going off and marrying the same woman. It wasn’t anything new to those that could remember back that long ago. Native instinct simply had kicked in a few generations too late. After all, a warrior was still a warrior, despite the year and the occupation.
    To her heart, none of it mattered. Elizabeth didn’t need a rationalization on the situation. The men were hers, and she was going to protect, love and cherish them all. It was her job since Timothy Blackhawk had died. Elizabeth promised him she’d protect his boys, and she was doing just that. Guarding over them, loving them and making them all a cohesive family.
    So far, it was all perfect.
    As of late, even work was running smoothly being co-directors of FBI West, Elizabeth and Ethan had vastly different styles of being boss. Her husband was reserved, lived in a suit, and played staunchly by the rules. This was completely ironic, since his nickname was ‘Cowboy’. At one time he used to play hard and fast with just about everything, including his life. Now he was the ‘F’ in FBI. The man gave Federal a whole new definition.
    Her preferred style of management was far more relaxed and laid back. Most of the time , Elizabeth wore her customary boots, jeans and simple shirt to the office. In her opinion, the minions were far more nervous around her when she was laid back and relaxed. There was always the propensity to strike, and it kept them on their toes. Once in a while, Elizabeth would break out the ‘director-wear’, just to stir up the staff. It didn’t hurt that it made the Natives very restless too.
    Elizabeth turned in her chair, taking in the spacious office. The windows opened up to a gorgeous view over the valley. The tall green lushness of the Rez was on the horizon’s landscape. After Timothy Blackhawk’s death, it was as close to the reservation as any of them wanted to get. Once they lost the patriarch of the family, the remaining Blackhawks, with the exception of Wyler, didn’t have the heart to head to his abandoned home. The new patriarch of the family had converted it to a studio to work on his business. Any trips there were to take his grandson for a walk. The family homestead had a plethora of Timothy ghosts there, and no one wanted to confront the achingly painful memories.
    Turning further in her chair, Elizabeth’s gaze slid across the bookshelf behind her. It was scattered with books and little mementos that touched her personally. There were snapshots of her precious son, CJ, and they warmed her heart. One was of Ethan holding his child, and the resemblance was clearly visible. Already CJ’s eyes were the same dark blue. The wild hair was no longer a mohawk, but more a head full of silky black hair. Elizabeth’s little boy was going to be handsome like his father.
    The other obvious trait was the infamous grin.
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