Flaming Desire - Part 2 (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) Read Online Free Page A

Flaming Desire - Part 2 (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)
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long, hot shower, some dinner, and then I'll probably just watch some television.”
    She made a face. “Sounds boring.”
    “Boring is just what I need tonight. Anything exciting happen over here today?”
    She shook her head. “Doctor Linder is in an uproar, but I'm not quite sure about what.”
    It was my turn to make a face, but I didn’t ask any more questions. “Well then, I'm going to go let Diane know we got back okay and then I’m off to home,” I said, moving down the hallway. “You have a good shift.”
    She nodded and disappeared down the hallway while I continued toward the break room. All I looked forward to was going home, taking a hot shower, and relaxing. I opened the door to the break room, thinking to have a quick word with Matt before he left. I was startled to find Megan in the break room as well, making googly eyes at him.

Chapter 2
    I saw the way Megan stood with her arms crossed under her breasts, and I knew she was pushing them upward, as if she needed to. Those two big bouncing melons were the focus of attention even under unflattering scrubs.
    Matt’s back was toward me. He stood with his arms braced against one of the small tables around which we ate. He was laughing, a low, rumbling, quiet laugh, as if he and she shared a secret. The muscles of his forearms and triceps were supremely delineated as my gaze passed over him. I couldn't see the expression on his face, or where he was looking, but by Megan's smug expression, I could just guess.
    As I entered, Matt turned around, then stood and backed slightly away from Megan and the table. A brief surge of jealousy passed through me. Megan was flirting with him, I just knew it. Then again, what did I care? Matt didn’t belong to me. I had no claim on him, more’s the pity. Megan flirted with everyone. Still, after what Matt and I had done in the McDonald's parking lot last evening, I couldn't deny that I was surprised that he would pay attention to Megan—at least not so damn soon.
    “Hello, Jessica,” Megan said, slightly aloof.
    “Hi Megan,” I replied politely. I noticed her discerning gaze as she gave me a body check.
    “You look like you're about ready to hit the shower.”
    I held back my frown even though I felt her comment unnecessary and somewhat rude. I simply nodded and then glanced at Matt. To my surprise, he gave me a look that I almost construed as annoyance. What the hell? It was then that I realized I’d never answered his question about what I was doing for the night. Maybe he figured I wasn’t interested and had set his sights on Megan instead. He wouldn't have heard me tell Serena and Melody I was looking forward to nothing but a shower and some TV watching, would he? Was he going to ask Megan out instead?
    For a moment, I didn't know what to say. I had forgotten what I wanted to tell him the minute I opened the door and saw him practically bending over the other woman. “Okay, well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow…”
    He nodded and I turned to leave the break room. I tried to fight the disappointment I felt, the letdown. Stupid me. Thinking that one make-out session in his truck meant anything to a guy like Matt. I quickly walked down the hall, trying to ignore the activity going on around me, the usual early evening hub-bub in the ER department. It wasn’t like I wanted a repeat of last evening, but I did feel a little discouraged that—
    “Wait up, Jesse.”
    I was halfway down the hall when I heard Matt's voice. I paused and glanced back over my shoulder. He walked quickly toward me. Beyond him, standing at the break room door, Megan stared after him, a combination frown-pout pursing her lips. “What is it?” I asked Matt as he approached.
    “Let me walk you to your car.”
    I guessed that would be okay, and innocent enough. We walked outside. The evening was warm and balmy, unusually humid for this time of year.
    “You hungry?” he asked.
    I shook my head. “Not really. You?” I glanced up at
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