slinging her comfortably over his shoulder. He placed her underneath the only tree in the yard, before going back towards the house.
Turning before entering he said, “Don’t worry Moira, daddy is always watching you, you are never alone.”
The look on his face told Moira that she better watch her step, especially after witnessing how he exploded with Barbara. And off he disappeared back into the house, slamming the screen door behind him. Moira looked around the yard as nonchalantly as she possibly could without causing suspicion to herself. Her plan was to lay down on the blanket and start rolling from side to side on her back, as if she was playing. Doing this would make it possible for her to view the entire yard without causing attention to herself. She closed her eyes trying to imprint the image of the yard in her mind. That way later, when she was back in the basement, she could try to envision a possible escape route for them. She prayed that something or someone would eventually come their way and save them. She was determined to have the entire yard memorized by the time they had to go back inside to their disgusting pink colored prison. She open and closed her eyes again and again, letting the heat from the sun wash over her body as if she was plugged into an energy outlet from above. How she felt at that exact moment was indescribable, she just knew things were about to change. She could feel it deep down in her soul, however she just hoped that the changed she felt was for the better and not something worse.
For the first time since Moira had been forced into this fantasy world existence, she could feel fear creeping in, causing goose bumps to appear up and down her arms. She debated in her head whether or not to tell Abby what she had briefly seen inside the house, when Barbara opened the pink door. She wanted her to know but she also was scared that Abby wouldn’t be able to handle it. She could barely believe it herself. How could something like this be happening and no one know? What kind of world was this, where someone could just snatch a person off the street and basically steal their life? Wasn’t there anyone out there looking for them? How could women be missing and no one missing them? What kind of women are we she thought, that no one even cares what has happened to us? A tear trickled down her cheek and landed on the sunflower design on the front of her dress. Moira heard the screen door slam against the wooden frame. The noise snapped her out of her thoughts and brought her back into this false fantasy world. She dried her eyes with the back of her hand and looked up to see Daddy Joe coming out with Abby. The smile on Abby’s face was as bright as the sun beaming down on them. He carefully placed Abby on the blanket next to Moira.
“Now you two play and enjoy some fresh air. I think it do you both some good.”
A bird flew overhead and landed on a branch in the sycamore tree above. Moira pointed to it and made the flapping motion with her arms and giggled trying to stay in character. Abby giggled at Moira’s impersonation of the bird.
“Yes baby girl there’s your bird, you are so smart and observant. Now stay on your blanket and play. Daddy Joe will be back after cleaning up your room.”
They watched him as he walked back towards the house dragging his leg behind him. He grimaced in pain, as he walked up the five stairs leading to the screen door.
He blew a kiss in their direction before entering the house and then turned and said “Daddy Joe loves his two good little girls. Always remember bad little girls will be punished.”
Once he was inside the house and out of view, they looked at each other. Moira saw what she was thinking when she looked into Abby’s eyes. Fear. Daddy Joe had just did a complete 180 degree turn and it was a sinister turn at that. That was his way of telling them that he will hurt them if he needs to. That was actually the first time anything