Snatched Read Online Free Page A

Book: Snatched Read Online Free
Author: Callee Raye
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threatening and bone chilling had come out of daddy Joe’s mouth, that was directed at them. It made the hairs on the back of Moira’s neck stand to attention and take notice. In fact for the first time, every fiber in her body was on alert and frightened. Abby lowered her head as if it weighed too much to hold up any longer. Moira reached over to Abby and lifted her head up and looked directly into her brown eyes and shook her head.
    “No”, she mouthed.
    She had to keep Abby in a positive frame of mind, even if she wasn’t 100 % convinced herself. She told Abby that they needed to memorize the yard and whatever they may see in the house that could aid in their escape. The special language between the two of them was getting better. They were learning how to communicate more and more, without ever speaking a word. 
    Looking around the yard Moira was amazed at the massive size of yard. It was at least the size of a city’s parking lot, if not larger. There was green grass as far as Moira's eyes could see. The grass was prickly yet soft.  It must have been freshly mowed, because the aroma of the grass, filled the entire backyard. Moira had never smelled anything that smelled so good in her entire life. It had the smell of FREEDOM. It felt so good to finally be able to breathe some fresh air and not that musty, moldy air that filled the basement. Moira was in heaven at that very exact moment. Their blanket had been placed under the one isolated sycamore tree in the yard. A child's handmade swing made from an old tire, swung back and forth in the cool morning breeze. It looked like a picture straight out of a magazine. The key word being “looked”, because Moira was learning more and more every day just how looks can be so deceiving.
    They were allowed to stay outside for a couple of hours, before daddy Joe came out to bring them back in. Moira was starting to feel like her old self again. She didn’t want to go back inside. It felt so good just feeling the sun’s heat radiating down on her skin. She didn’t protest when daddy appeared, everything has its course to run and she guessed this was the end of theirs at least for today. For tomorrow was a brand new day and she would work her web of charm on daddy Joe and try to get them another excursion outside.
    Moira’s plan had worked, in fact it was working very smoothly, she thought as she sat underneath the old sycamore tree for the second day in a row.
    “Alright baby girl, you stay here while I go get little Abby.”
    Mo ira smiled the biggest toothiest grin she could muster up. Daddy Joe laughed at her great big smile as he walked back towards the house, waving as he slipped behind the screen door. Moira could still see him standing in the shadows behind the wooden door. He was watching her and was trying to see what she was going to do. One step ahead of you daddy Joe, she silently mouthed to herself. Moira rolled over on her back and started kicking her legs up and down while laughing and playing by herself. She never trusted daddy Joe and now she could see that some of his true colors were starting to surface. Her freedom was too close to mess up now. Freedom was just beyond that fence, she thought. Looking across the yard at the huge wooden fence that surrounded the perimeters of that place. It was the tallest fence Moira had ever seen. She couldn’t tell if the fence was there to keep them in or to keep others out? That fence was going to be a big obstacle, but Moira was determined to find a way to overcome it, because it was the only thing standing in her way of getting her life back.
    Who was this man that was holding them captive? He was not your average sick-minded weirdo. Moira could tell that this man actually had some brains. She knew she was going to have to anticipate his every move. That would be the only way they would ever be prepared to counter attack when the right moment came along. Moira turned to the sound of the raggedy screen door
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