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Book: Snatched Read Online Free
Author: Callee Raye
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squeaking and banging shut against the old wooden molding. Abby looked so happy, Moira thought. The sunshine and the fresh air was certainly casting a hypnotic spell over Abby. She looked at peace as daddy Joe placed her down on the blanket. He looked down at them for a few moments without moving or saying anything. Finally he opened his mustache framed mouth and said "Daddy loves his good girls, because they don't cry and talk, like all those other ones once did. Daddy only loves good girls." He turned and started walking slowly back towards the fake brick house, dragging his injured leg through the grass.
    A chill ran down Moira's back at that exact instance. It wasn't what daddy had said, although it was a little creepy, but it was more in the way in which he said it, that made her spine tingle. Moira turned to look at Abby, but Abby's piercing brown eyes were already zeroed in on hers. She moved her head up and down hoping that would reassure Abby that everything was going to be alright. She couldn't afford to have Abby falling apart, not now when they were getting so close to freedom. They played and played moving around on every inch of the blanket just in case daddy Joe was still lurking about somewhere looking at them. Whereas in reality what they were actually doing was trying to visually memorize every inch of that yard. It may take at least more trip outside before they would be able to plan their breakout. Moira motioned to her ears, she wanted Abby to be aware of what she was hearing and not hearing. Moira had been outside alone for at least ten minutes before daddy Joe and Abby came out. She had not heard any cars, horns, trucks, or even any movement nearby, only the little bird chirping in the single isolated sycamore tree.
    Moira must have fell asleep because she woke up to the sound of daddy Joe coming out of the house with their breakfast/lunch depending on what time of the day it was. Sometimes they got fed on time and sometimes they just had to wait until something was brought to them. She couldn't tell what time of day it was, she was just glad to be getting something to eat to keep her strength up. Breakfast for them usually consisted of baby food for Abby, and a combination of baby and finger food for Moira. There was usually an ample supply of fresh milk and water provided throughout the day.  Baby food tastes terrible, except for peaches Moira thought as she swallowed hard to get the strained peas down. No wonder babies spit it back out at you when you’re trying to feed them this crap. Moira had notice that Abby was starting to lose quite a bit of weight, which wasn’t a good thing. Moira knew that they would have to stay strong and healthy to be able to even attempt any type of escape. Moira sneaked a piece of her finger food and stored it in the pocket of her yellow sundress. She was hungry enough to lick her plate clean, but she had to stay in baby-mode. Babies don't usually eat everything on their plate. They tend to play with their food more than they eat, so she made sure to scatter bits of food here and there. Moira was still so hungry but she knew she would not only eat but she would feast, once they were safely outside the confines of this fake brick structure.
    The sun's rays felt so good against Moira's skin after being locked up in that basement all that time. She watched as the morning's sun mingled with the breeze sweeping over the leaves of the old sycamore tree. She was captivated by the movement of the leaves dancing to the tempo of the wind. Please Lord, I just want to go home, Moira screamed in her head.
    Moira couldn’t remember how she had been snatched and that bothered her. Every time she tried to remember she would drew a blank. It was as if she had lost a piece of time and her precious memory all at the same time. She wondered if Abby remembered how she had been abducted. Moira imagined that the leaves on the tree were dancing and sending her a private message as what to
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