you must plan to stay longer on your next visit.” He flashed us a fabulous smile and graciously escorted us to the elevator and down to the valet, all the while his arm never leaving Mia’s waist.
“When will I see you again, lovely Mia? I’m only in town for a few days and I will be crushed if you don’t have time for dinner. Better yet, how about a quick trip to New York?”
Veronica and I dropped a few steps back and looked at each other with our mouth agape. I whispered to her about Mia’s charming admirer and being left in the dark about him.
“Philippe, I am so busy. You can’t just pop into town and try to whisk me away. I have a job, you know.” She pouted prettily and made excuses about how hectic it was at the office.
Veronica and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes. We couldn’t wait to get all the details of her and Philippe. Why would she not tell us that she knew him? Like, personally and most likely intimately. We shared everything with one another, or so I thought.
We stepped outside to a beautiful sunny afternoon. There was a limo and driver waiting for us. Mia made plans for the limo to pick us up here since we had a few drinks and we would leave for Austin now. Our bags and clothing for the party were neatly packed in the limo. Someone would pick up Mia’s car later and deliver it to her loft.
“Zoe, enjoy your birthday party. It was a pleasure meeting you and Veronica,” Philippe said. He kissed Veronica and me on our cheeks. We slid into the luxurious vehicle with soft leather seats that enveloped our relaxed bodies.
Mia was about to get into the limo but was detained by Philippe. He pulled her into his body and swooped down to claim her lips in a long passionate kiss. Mia whimpered and slid her arms around his neck.
Veronica’s slammed both her hands over her mouth and stared at me. I shrugged my shoulders at a loss for words.
A few moments later Mia slid onto the seat of the vehicle and Philippe closed the door behind her.
“Spill it, Mia.” Veronica wasted no time getting to the details of her and Philippe.
“There is nothing to tell,” Mia said, as she jutted her chin out in defiance of the question.
“Liar, liar…something is going on with that fabulous piece of man and we want to know what, when and for how long,” Veronica went on as I nodded my head in agreement.
“Well, it was a long time ago.”
“That’s it? That’s all we get?” I asked as the limo pulled onto the freeway.
“It was about a year ago. I met him in New York and we hit it off. Well, sort of…anyway, it was only once and now…well, I’m not sure; I mean, he wants more, but I’m way too busy,” she blurted out and twisted the top off a bottle of water. This so not like Mia to be nervous or evasive, even on a matter intimacy.
“And why are we just finding out that you had a thing with the fabulous Philippe?” I asked, not satisfied with her answer. She seemed to be leaving some juicy details out and I wanted to know what one of my ‘besties’ as she’d called Veronica and me, was hiding from us.
“Look, Mia, there is obviously something going on. Like some chemistry and as for being too busy…your father owns the corporation. You always take off whenever you want to and I fill the position with a temp nurse from the agency,” Veronica piped in. We all knew that she was a daddy’s girl and used to having her own way. I saw that she was getting frustrated, and gratefully answered my phone that was ringing.
After a brief conversation with Jenna, we decided to put the topic of Mia and Philippe on hold. Snuggling down into the plush pillows and soft throws that Jenna requested we have for the trip, we all agreed that a nap was called for. I smiled as I thought of Jenna not missing even the smallest of details when it came to entertaining.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
My eyes fluttered closed and I finally allowed my mind to drift back 10 years ago. I was twenty and a sophomore at Baylor