Secret Legacy Read Online Free

Secret Legacy
Book: Secret Legacy Read Online Free
Author: Anna DeStefano
Tags: Fiction, General, Suspense, Science-Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, Contemporary, Paranormal
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    Jarred Keith stumbled into the room, his eyes heavywith sleep. But his body and his mind were alert and focused.
    “Can’t let who destroy whom?” The former psychiatrist pulled Madeline into his arms, careful not to disturb her connection with Sarah.
    He caressed Madeline’s face with steady fingers. He stared into her eyes, silent communication rippling the air between them.
    “The . . .” Madeline’s voice returned to its own timbre. Tears streamed down her face. She turned toward Richard. “There’s a voice calling her from the deeper water, telling her to give up. The center’s already put her through so much. What if they’re taking her mind back?”
    Madeline leaned into Jarred. Richard didn’t push for details. Jarred would balance Madeline’s mind and, through Madeline, the twins’ link. Richard forced himself to stay the hell out of the way. He checked his watch.
    He had to call in a Watcher team.
    Sarah’s mind was too powerful to leave spiraling.
    “I’m here,” Jarred said to Sarah’s twin. His voice was firm. Confident. Demanding, without imposing itself, the way Richard had taught him to focus his own newly discovered psychic talent when Madeline needed help. “I’m here, sweetheart. You’re not alone.”
    “From now on, we’re not in this alone
. . .

Madeline’s mind whispered.
    The promise she’d made Sarah the night they’d defeated Ruebens reached out to both Richard and Jarred, absorbing them into her deepening connection with her sister. She squeezed Sarah’s hand.
    “We’ll find Trinity together,” she promised her twin.“Let me help you. Show me what’s happened so I can look for her, too.”
    Sarah’s consciousness shifted closer . . .
    Through Madeline’s unshielded mind, Richard saw a rush of color. A swirl of dark confusion. The ocean’s jumbled demands were luring Sarah to a truth that was too deeply hidden, maybe not even real at all. And she was too far in to turn back, to survive alone, or to heed the call of a raven circling so high above the water’s surface that only his shadow was visible
. . .
    “Oh, God.” Madeline stared up at Jarred. “I can feel her. She’s dying.”
    “Sarah?” Jarred’s attention shifted to Richard, then back to the woman shaking in his arms.
    “No. Trinity. Sarah thinks she can feel Trinity dying in the ocean, but she can’t reach her.”
    Madeline collapsed against Jarred. Her eyes returned to the color of Sarah’s deepest gray. She stared at Richard.
    “You have to believe me
. . .

she said in Sarah’s voice.
“None of you want to believe me. Your precious council doesn’t want her to be found, any more than you want me or Maddie to grow strong enough to live beyond your control. But they can’t let the center have Trinity. Once they know she’s real, they’ll help me. The council will have to take her away from the center. You’ll see
. . .
I’m not leaving until you—”
    “Let go.” Richard grabbed Sarah’s shoulders, the last of his objectivity gone. “Release the dream and the cries for help and whatever you thought you’d accomplish without us. Let your sister bring you back to the surface. I can hear Trinity now. So can Madeline. Once we know what we’re dealing with, we’ll find a way to help her.”
    It was a promise he had no business making. Worse, it was one Sarah wouldn’t believe. He’d hidden too much from her for too long for her to believe anything he said.
    “It’s . . .” Madeline’s eyes rolled back. Her eyelids closed. “The screaming . . . It’s killing her.”
    “I need her and Sarah back here,” Richard said to Jarred, “before they give the council even more reason to silence their minds.”
    Jarred’s flat stare promised retribution. He looked seconds away from dragging the woman he loved from Sarah’s side. But he covered Madeline’s hands with his, then wrapped her fingers tighter around her twin’s. Madeline shivered as his consciousness
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