The Accidental Bride Read Online Free

The Accidental Bride
Book: The Accidental Bride Read Online Free
Author: Portia Da Costa
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Literature & Fiction, BDSM, Romantic Erotica
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‘That looks very pretty.’ His thumb slid across the punished acreage, testing, assessing, making Lizzie wriggle with a mix of discomfort and renewed desire.
    She couldn’t believe that she wanted sex all the time. But she did. Being on holiday with John made her libido go ballistic.
    ‘I’m not sure it feels pretty. It feels a bit sore to me.’ She rocked against him, still clutching at her skirt, rubbing against his hip. He was wearing midnight-blue pyjama bottoms, and nothing else, and the cotton was very light.Swaying closer, she pressed against the inevitable bulge. She wasn’t the only person this trip was turning into a horn-dog.
    ‘Not too sore, I hope,’ he said, pressing his face into her hair. In the mirror, his tanned skin looked startling against the black. They’d both caught the sun in the two weeks they’d been here, and although Lizzie would have said it was impossible for John to look more handsome than he normally did, somehow, with a sun-kissed glow, he was managing to. Her own tan was very light, because her skin was fair, and she burned if she wasn’t careful. John was scrupulous, though, keeping a watch on her, and commanding her to get into the shade after a strictly monitored amount of sun. Sometimes, she felt like defying him, just for the sake of it, because he was so prone to act like a boss, but it thrilled her too, his benign domination. She knew he had her welfare at heart, but being a man so used to giving orders, calling the shots, in all things, was second nature to him.
    ‘No … Not really. Just, well, making itself known. Leather makes more of an impact than hands, or plastic rulers, or even switches.’
    He frowned in the mirror, his eyes full of concern.
    ‘So it does,’ he said quietly. ‘You will always tell me, won’t you, if I get a bit too enthusiastic for you? You’re a rare and cherished treasure to me, you know that, and I can’t bear the thought that I might push you too far.’
    As they sometimes – in fact quite often – did, the imps of curiosity and jealousy came out to dance. It was daft to be envious of women he’d had and played with before her, but she couldn’t help herself.
    ‘Don’t worry. If I don’t like anything, I’ll holler “chintz”. But I trust you, John, and I know you’ve had plenty ofpractice to perfect your techniques. With plenty of lucky women getting the benefit … I know there have been parties and whatnot. Like the one at the mansion. Lots of gorgeous women there to spank, I guess.’
    He slid his arm around her, and as she reciprocated, her nightdress slithered down, the sleek fabric gliding over her punished flesh like a breath. The nightgown was one of quite a few he’d bought her, part of a great haul of gorgeous lingerie. But John was thoughtful. He didn’t just buy her things that he liked. Yes, she now owned a lot of delicate, slinky items like this one, but he also bought plenty of the kind of thing she’d have chosen for herself: funky pyjama bottoms in stripes and wild patterns, simple T-shirts and vests, white and coloured. She’d chosen the peach silk number tonight because the delicate fabric was kind to a punished rear.
    John turned her in his arms, and looked down at her, his blue eyes clear as the noon day sky here. Honest.
    ‘Yes, there have been women. You know that, love. I’ve never denied it.’
    ‘I do … I suppose I’m just jealous.’ Why lie? ‘Women are like that about the ex-girlfriends of the men they love.’
    He slid his hand against her cheek, gently cradling, and then pressed his lips to hers in a soft, intense kiss. As she’d noted in the garden, he still didn’t come out and say the ‘L’ word all that often, but he kissed in a way that was just as telling.
    ‘I wouldn’t call most of them that. They were more like liaisons than girlfriends.’ He kissed her forehead now, his breath ruffling her black fringe. ‘In fact, I’ve never had a girlfriend quite like you
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