Larken Read Online Free

Book: Larken Read Online Free
Author: S.G. Rogers
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Larken sat down and began to eat. The variety and quality of the food was much better than she was used to at the Howleys, and there was even a small lemon tart for dessert. After fifteen minutes, she felt more restored and was able to take in her surroundings. The sitting room, although sparsely decorated, was a good size. The table could seat six. Two comfortable-looking upholstered chairs were situated near the fireplace, and several windows on one side promised the room would be filled with light come morning. No artwork graced the walls, nor were ornaments of any kind in evidence, and Larken wondered why. Perhaps she could cull a few furnishings from some of the other rooms? Certainly if she was to have dominion over one whole wing of the house, nobody would mind if she moved a few things around.
    The window seat beckoned invitingly, so she sat down on the velvet cushion and pushed the curtain to one side. It was too dark to see much, but it appeared the view on that side of the house was of the garden. When clouds moved away from the moon, the sudden illumination revealed a tall gentleman strolling along the broad white gravel pathway. Mr. King? As if Larken had shouted, his head turned toward her. Startled, she dropped the curtain and backed away from the window. How embarrassing if he thought she’d been spying on him! Nevertheless, she wished she could have seen his face. Larken shrugged. Her first real look at the man would be at the altar tomorrow, and that would have to be good enough.
    Larken awoke several times during the night, gasping in horror and reaching out in the dark as the world tipped sideways. When morning dawned, it was a relief to get out of bed. Nevertheless, from the moment Nell appeared, Larken felt like she was being rushed. A quick breakfast was followed immediately by a short bath. Thereafter, she donned the gown she usually wore to church. Fortunately, Nell had hung up Larken’s clothes while she was eating dinner the night before, so the garment was relatively fresh.
    After she was dressed, Nell bade her sit in front of the mirror while she brushed her hair.
    “I’m to be your lady’s maid from now on, if that’s all right with you.”
    “It’s wonderful, actually.” A faint smile. “I haven’t had a maid since I was a little girl.”
    “Forgive me, but I couldn’t help but notice those newspaper clippings when I was putting away your things last night. You’re Larken Burke, the Miracle Orphan.”
    A nod.
    “I remember hearing about the train accident when I was younger. I can’t imagine how horrible it must have been.” She shuddered. “Is that how you got those scars on your back?”
    Larken flinched and her face burned with embarrassment. It was inevitable the maid would have noticed the jagged marks across her lower back where flying shards of glass had sliced through her dress during the accident.
    “Yes. I-I hope you don’t mind.”
    “The scars are so…repulsive.”
    A gasp. “They’re no such thing! My heavens, I have a horrible mark on my ankle from brushing up against a wire fence when I was twelve.” She giggled. “No lad has complained yet.”
    Tears stung Larken’s eyelids. “Please don’t mention the scars to anyone. I really don’t want people to know.”
    Nell’s merriment faded. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
    With deft fingers, she twisted Larken’s thick tresses and pinned them in a coil at the back of her head. She tucked a few white rosebuds amongst the strands to good effect.
    “Pretty,” Larken said. “Thank you.”
    “You’re so fortunate to have such lovely hair, and such a beautiful color too,” Nell said. “It’s just like sunshine.”
    Larken knew the woman was trying to cheer her up. “You’re very kind.” A pause. “My father used to call me Sunshine. I wish he were here.”
    Mrs. Mason tapped on the door. “Excuse me, Miss Burke? The carriage is ready when you are.”

    The housekeeper led Larken outside
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