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The Accidental Bride
Book: The Accidental Bride Read Online Free
Author: Portia Da Costa
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Literature & Fiction, BDSM, Romantic Erotica
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before. Never one who’s actually been a girl.’
    A word, a name, clanged in her brain. Clara!
    What was she, then, Mr Smith? She must have been a girlfriend, once. You must have been around the same age. You still are around the same age.
    But she didn’t mention the ‘C’ word. It was as rarely heard as the ‘L’ word. It felt bitchy to remind John of the woman who’d hurt him so much, twice over. Lizzie knew, though, that he knew she was thinking about the woman she considered her rival.
    ‘Don’t start the age thing again,’ she said instead, sidetracking him with another issue, that wasn’t an issue, really, more of a running joke between them.
    ‘I can’t help myself. I’m twenty-two years older than you, love.’
    ‘Look, granddad, you’re forty-six, that’s all. If you were ninety-six, we might have a problem, but you’re not, so just be told, will you?’
    John grinned. ‘Stroppy madam!’
    ‘Bossy tyrant!’
    Laughing, he held her face between his two hands, and kissed her again. Hard, this time, tongue pushing in. It was a bossy kiss, a possession of her mouth, but boy, how she liked it.
    She was gasping when he freed her mouth, smiling at him, feeling a tenderness in her lips that was a pale echo of the simmering glow in her buttocks.
    ‘But seriously, Lizzie, you’re going to have to accept that from time to time, the age difference between us will bother me. And make me feel guilty.’
    ‘I don’t know why.’
    ‘Just humour me.’ He tidied her fringe, where he’d ruffled it.
    ‘I will. But you’re going to have to accept that living the deluxe life, to which you’re so accustomed, is going to make me uneasy sometimes too. I’m just an ordinary girl, and sometimes it all gets a bit too rarefied for me and I feel panicky. Travelling first class … private villas … buying honking great mansion houses just so we can live together. It’s all very rich for my blood, you know?’
    John’s brow crumpled. Ah, storm clouds. And not about Dalethwaite Manor either, she guessed.
    ‘And let’s not start that again either!’ His voice was fierce, not threatening, but not far from it. ‘You fucking well aren’t an ordinary girl, Lizzie! Didn’t I just tell you a moment ago that you’re rare and precious to me? And I’m lucky to be with you. Do you hear me?’
    ‘Yes … OK … Truce. I’m a fabulous goddess. I’ll try to remember that.’
    ‘Remember it because it’s the truth,’ said John, smiling again. He looped his hands at the small of her back, carefully avoiding the sore areas in her buttocks. ‘Now, can we please find a way to make love without hurting that gorgeous bottom of yours?’
    Oh yes! Oh yes!
    ‘Don’t worry too much. You are a clever man, Mr Smith, and it really doesn’t hurt that much.’ She gave him a slow, sultry look from beneath her lashes. ‘And even if it did, I can stand a twinge or two if you can cope with the moaning.’
    ‘I love the moaning,’ said John roundly, tightening his grip and drawing her inexorably against his erection. ‘Especially if it’s mine!’
    Lizzie kissed the side of his neck as she moved in close. ‘Ilove it when you moan. What can I do to make it happen?’ She reached down and cupped his hard flesh. ‘Suck you? Squeeze you? Ride you? Your wish is my command, boss man.’
    John embraced her, hands roving, fingers not so careful of her soreness now. Not that she cared.
    ‘You’re a she-devil, woman. Temptation incarnate. You know how greedy I am. You’ve made me want all of those … and more!’ He kissed her passionately, violently, gripping her bottom, and making her moan and wriggle.
    Massaging her pelvis against his cock, Lizzie kissed back. The spanked places on her bottom were fizzing, intoxicating her blood like pink Champagne. She wanted him. Wanted him now.
    Laughing, John hauled her across to the bed, and then sat down on the edge, tugging at the cord of his pyjamas and
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