Goddesses feel that “this is my time.” They’re realizing that they need to give to the world without squelching their own needs, and express themselves without being afraid of hurting someone’s feelings. Their desires and passions are calling to them. They know their strength because they have experienced significant loss and come through it. The fear that theycan’t depend on themselves disappeared along with the first husband or the first job they were fired from. They know their weaknesses and have come to peace with them, having figured out ways to work around their ADHD, their impatience, their shyness, their disdain for small talk, or whatever it is that they were told in their teens would hold them back from being well-liked and accepted and catching a man. As one woman put it, “I found out that even cranky women get laid.”
Some Alpha Goddesses are facing serious financial issues they will have to address, but they are feeling more encouraged than ever about their ability to take care of themselves. They may look around at women who have more financial security and realize that even though it would be nice to have the mortgage-free home, paid-off cars, and retirement fund, they feel more independent, smart, and capable than they ever have. Creating what they need and want doesn’t feel like an impossible dream. They’re coming into their own power, and realizing they don’t need to achieve success according to someone else’s definition in order to feel good about themselves and their lives. Often, they find that the opportunities that passed them by and the losses that seemed huge at the time prove not to have been quite so devastating in retrospect. The cheating lover moved on to a younger woman who is now reminding him to test his blood sugar and dealing with his irritability and demands for attention. Our second spring brings a reframing of the past—and the present and future.
Alpha Goddesses are able to put matters in perspective, whether it’s a car that’s been totaled or stolen, or another encounter with that one person in every workplace or family who has to stir up a conflict to draw attention her way. The things that used to make them pick up the phone and vent to their friends or write furiously in their journal no longer faze them. Their attitude is “Oh well, that’s life” or “This too shall pass”—or my personal favorite, an old Polish proverb: “Not my circus. Not my monkeys.” Many years ago, I lost my sister in an accident. Ever since, when someone calls with bad news, my attitude is “Hey, a family member didn’t die. This isn’t so bad.” When we’re over50, we have enough life experience to instantly recognize what is small stuff and what isn’t.
Over the years, we develop a finely calibrated BS detector. We recognize that some people are not being honest with themselves about what they are doing to create their own problems. If they pressure us to rescue them, or try to make us feel guilty for not changing our plans to accommodate their latest crisis, we find it’s easier than ever before not to give into their emotional threats. Alpha Goddesses recognize that “No” is a complete sentence. How liberating!
I see this a lot in women with aging mothers or fathers who have placed far too many unreasonable demands on them. This is the time when you learn that being a good daughter doesn’t mean letting yourself become depleted by your parents. They brought you into this world and took care of you, but making your life about their needs is not necessary or healthy for you or them. Very often, what older parents really want is to feel independent and useful. When you say no and you ask them to help you out in some way, however small, you restore balance in the relationship. It’s a gift to realize you truly are on a journey separate from your parents’. Your paths intersect, but you can’t be responsible for their lives. The same is true for your adult