Hamsikker: A Zombie Apocalypse Novel Read Online Free

Hamsikker: A Zombie Apocalypse Novel
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no headstone, just a simple white cross that was crushed beneath the dead man’s feet.
    Mrs Danick calmly took the revolver from her handbag, and cocked it. “You go,” she said to Jonas and Dakota as she raised the gun and took aim at the approaching figures. “I’ve got this.”
    She was dead, no doubt about it. The discoloured skin, lifeless eyes, and slack jaw made it pretty obvious. The next clue was in the way she walked, so slowly and aimlessly, drawn to any noise like a dumb animal. Dead feet scraped the ground as the zombie shuffled forward, meandering across the grass verge towards them.
    Javier put his hand across the gun that was aimed at the zombie’s head, and lowered it. “Don’t waste your time. She’s too far away to worry about.”
    He could see the disappointment in Rose’s eyes, but he wasn’t about to waste a bullet.
    “Oh come on, it’s not like there are any others around. We can drop her and move on. I need the practise,” said Rose as she raised the gun and squinted down the length of the barrel.
    Javier rocked back on his feet, sucking in a mouthful of warm morning air. “No. We’re low on ammo and…”
    The zombie’s head exploded as Rose fired, hitting it squarely between the eyes. The body fell slowly to the ground, and then silence resumed. A lone bird flew from a tree in the distance, startled by the gunshot, but otherwise, they were completely alone.
    “Bagged me a zombie.” Rose jumped to her feet looking elated. “Down in one.”
    Javier looked at her coolly. His blue eyes sparkled in the morning sunlight, and he took a step toward Rose. “What did I just say?” He could see her happiness fading, the light in Rose’s face diminishing with each second, as pride was replaced by uncertainty.
    “Oh, come on, cupcake, it’s just a zombie,” she said. “We’ve killed a thousand already, so who gives a shit? It’s not like…”
    The sting of his hand knocked her backward, and Javier grabbed the gun from her hands as Rose stumbled away from him. He holstered it, and then held out an open hand to her. She was more shocked than anything, and he knew he hadn’t hit her that hard. She’d taken worse. It was really just a warning, a reminder of who was in charge.
    “Come on.” He felt her slip her thin fingers into his, and he pulled her up. Facing him, the light illuminated her long blonde hair, and his lips curled into a thin smile. She always looked beautiful to him, though even more when she was submissive. He didn’t like it when she got cocky. He wasn’t the only man to find her beautiful, but he sure as hell wasn’t about to let anyone else get a piece of his Rose.
    She looked up at him, and he saw the faint red glow blossoming on her cheek where he had slapped her. She leant in and kissed him, then drew her arms around his neck.
    “I’m sorry, baby.”
    Her kisses tickled his neck and he pushed her away. “No harm done.”
    Javier turned to the low brick wall where they had stopped and he sat down. He faced the park they had just passed through, and stared at the treeline, trying to guess what lay beyond it. Tall elm trees littered the fringes of the park, and further still, lay thick scrub over hilly terrain. It was going to be another long hot day, and he wanted to push on. Jeffersontown left him cold. It was so bland, so suburban, so very apple-pie, college football, God-damn American . He hated it. He wanted to keep riding, just to keep going until he found someplace he could call home. He had come with his parents over the border years ago into Texas, and they had moved around a lot, sometimes several times in just a few months. Very quickly, his father had shot through, and from then on it had been different schools, different friends - different fathers, depending on the mood his mother was in. Eventually, he gave up on trying to settle
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