“In here.” He came through the doorway and she grabbed flower pot, flinging it at him with all her might.
“What the hell?!” He ducked and it slammed into the wall behind him. “What the fuck yo problem?!”
“ My problem?! How about everyone there is to know and my fuckin’ job knows you fuckin’ Madison! Explain that shit !”
“Where you get that shit?”
“Bitch told me herself. I was there when yo dumb ass kept callin’ her fuckin’ phone. How long?”
“You heard me. How long?” Sutton came towards her.
“Baby listen.”
“Don’t touch me!” She slapped his hands away. “Don’t touch me. I swear to God. How lon g?”
“A year.” He admitted. She felt herself go faint.
“A year?! How could you do this to me? After all I sacrifice for you. I work all day. Make sure we have a nice life together and this is what you do.”
“Baby I’m sorry.” He grabbed her by the arms.
“Let me go!” She pushed him away and swung, connecting her fist to his face. “Get out!” She swooned and clutched her stomach. “Oh god!”
“Just get out! Leave my house!” Sutton slowly backed out the room, and went to outside to his car. He slid in behind the wheel and slammed his fist against the steering wheel. He was a man that lost everything. His cool, Madison, and worst of all, Victoria and her trust. He had so many things to do. One was to track Madison down. Then try to make things work with his wif e. He glanced at the clock on his dashboard. It was ten thirty-four. Madison would be on set, still filming her movie. Hopefully, she didn’t let front gate know about their so call break-up if so he could still get in. He started his car and drove over to his studio. So many emotions and things going on in his head. He pulled up to the security booth.
“Hey is Madison on the lot?” he asked.
“Yeah. Got here an hour ago. Go on in Mr. Jackson.” He nodded and cruised in. He stashed his car in the usual spot and went hunting for her trailer. If only he could leave her alone that would solve all his problems. As he got closer to her trailer, he slowed down. One last time then he would go home to his wife. Sutton reached for her door handle, when he heard a thump in side. He leaned over to peek in the small window. A bare back stared back at him. A male bare back with Madison’s legs wrapped around it. Her face screwed up with pleasure. The bare back continued to slam into Madison. Sutton took a step back. His chest he aved up and down. She really turned her back on me, he fumed. He yanked open the door and went inside.
“This is the shit you do!” he yelled.
“ Sutton?! ” She scrambled free from the male and yanked her dress down. “What are you doing here?! I thought I told you to stay away from me!”
“Naw forget all that. Who is this? Huh? Damn girl you move fast. You tell Victoria now you got random dudes up in here.”
“Ty is not random. You need to leave before I call security. Now!” she snapped.
“Look man get out of here. She said what she had to say.”
“Ty its okay. I’m calling security.”
“It’s cool baby blue. You’ll be callin’ me again and when you do I’ll be waitin’. Undercover whores always come back.” Madison gasped and tears filled her eyes. Sutton turned and left the trailer, heading towards his car.
Madison’s heart pounded in her chest. Undercover whore. Was that what I am? I’m trying to so hard to not let my past get to me.
“Are you okay?”
“I will be. I need to be alone.” He nodded and threw his shirt on, wa lking out the door. The tears that she held in fell down her cheeks. All the pain and secrets she harbor broken through. She couldn’t hide her secrets any longer.