Hunter's Curse Read Online Free

Hunter's Curse
Book: Hunter's Curse Read Online Free
Author: Ginna Moran
Tags: Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, Young Adult, young adult fantasy, Paranormal & Fantasy, young adult thriller, Young Adult Paranormal
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agents take me. I should’ve resisted the urge to save that woman from herself. If I had, I wouldn’t be in this mess. Dominic wouldn’t be dead. After today, I don’t think I’ll ever redeem another soul again. You can’t save them all anyway. People need to save themselves.
    I push the thought from my mind when I watch the enchantress tug my brother’s dead body from the backseat of the Mustang. For being only an inch over five feet, she has amazing strength.
    “Jacqueline,” the enchantress says. “I know you’re grieving and in shock, but I need you to help me with Dominic. We can’t leave him in the car.”
    I push to my feet and walk to the enchantress. With a heavy heart, I help carry my brother by his shoulders into the cluttered house. The woman yanks a throw blanket from her couch and sprawls it across her tan tiled floor. We gently lay Dominic on the blanket and I rest my head on his chest for a moment before wiping the tears from my eyes.
    “It was the HPA,” I say. “I didn’t think they were real. I thought my nana was only trying to scare me.”
    The woman kneels next to me and wraps her arms over my shoulders. “Oh, honey, I’m sorry you lost your brother. He was a good friend of mine.”
    “You knew him?”
    She nods. “He was someone special to me as a teenager.”
    My forehead crinkles and I lift my eyes to peer at the woman. She looked vaguely familiar, but I thought it was only because most enchantresses look alike with black hair and blue eyes. I study her narrow nose and full ruby lips. Her sharp cheekbones make her look more serious than sad, and her delicate jaw line twitches when she crinkles her nose.
    “You’re Jazmin,” I say. “I remember you.”
    Jazmin offers a small smile and touches my cheek. “You were so young.”
    I shrug. “My brother loved you.”
    She nods. “I loved him, too.”
    My chest tightens and my eyes shift to Dominic’s body. What am I supposed to do without him? I wanted to learn to take care of myself, but not like this. I never wanted him to die. I wanted him to live a life free from the burden of having to watch out for me, and now he doesn’t get to live a life at all.
    I puff air through my lips and open and close my mouth, but words are lost on me. I don’t know what to say.
    Jazmin touches my shoulder. “I’ll make a few phone calls and take care of your brother’s body. I want you to rest.”
    Tears blur my eyes. “I can’t stay here. I killed two agents. The HPA will come after me.”
    Shadows cloud Jazmin’s eyes. “I’ll make arrangements for you as well. You can find refuge with the Creature Council. They’ll protect you.”
    I shake my head. “Dominic’s been trying to get an appointment with the council for months. They won’t let someone like me in.”
    Jazmin takes my hands in hers. “That’s why you lie. I’ll vouch for you.”
    I sniffle. “I don’t know how I’m going to survive without him.”
    She smiles. “Because surviving is the only option. You’re strong and smart and powerful. I know you’ll be okay in the end.”

    I prop my feet up on my mom’s desk and lace my fingers behind my head. She left me five hours ago to meet with the board and I’ve been stuck at the termination facility because I don’t want to miss out if they capture the monster from yesterday.
    The phone on her desks rings and I pick it up. “Dr. Sullivan’s office.”
    “Hey, Hunter, it’s Chris. Was wondering if you wanted to join me and a few other agents for a ride-along.” Agent Chris breathes into the phone. “I hear your mom’s been busy all night.”
    I jump from the chair. “Sure, awesome. I’m dying of boredom. I’ll meet you in the lobby.”
    Agent Chris chuckles. “Actually, I was hoping you could prep a van and we could meet in thirty.”
    “I can do that, too. See you out front in thirty.”
    I hang up the phone and scribble a note for my mom even
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