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Hunter's Moon
Book: Hunter's Moon Read Online Free
Author: Felicity Heaton
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eyes. They remind me of a wolf.”

    Hunter’s Moon – Felicity Heaton
    He smiled and gave a short laugh, his nerves getting the better of him. “You have wolf eyes more than me.”

    She drew back a little and a tiny frown wrinkled her
    nose. He wondered if it had been what he’d said, but
    then told himself that it couldn’t be. Why would his
    mentioning that her eyes look like a wolf’s make her
    react like that—as though she was afraid of what he’d

    He watched her sit back and cover her shoulders with
    the blanket, stealing the pleasure of seeing her smooth skin away from him.

    “Neoma?” he said. “Something wrong?”

    She looked at him. “I’m…I felt a little dizzy. I’m all right now.”

    He could see that she was lying. He wondered what the
    problem had been really but when she spoke, his
    thoughts were pushed from him by her words.

    “So, what are you hiding from and who are you hiding
    from, Scott?”

    “What?” He blinked and then averted his gaze, a frown
    knitting his brows while he thought about what she’d
    asked. What did he tell her? If he told her the truth, would she think he was crazy too? Christ, his palms were sweating and his chest was tight. It felt as though
    someone was trying to squeeze all of the air out of his lungs and he struggled to breath normally. This was too nice. If he opened his mouth and his heart to her, would she turn around and leave him too?

    Hunter’s Moon – Felicity Heaton
    Neoma held her breath, hoping that the reason he was
    here would be the answer to her prayers. He had to
    have a reason for being here. The people who came just for the hunting left at the end of each season, but he was always here. She’d watched him as he took
    midnight strolls in winter. She’d even watched him at
    Christmas once and had wondered if he’d felt as alone as she did during that time of year.

    “Everyone who comes to these parts has something to
    hide and are also hiding from something. So who are
    you hiding from?” she said and leaned towards him
    again, eager to hear his answer.

    “The world,” he said in such a bitter but solemn tone
    that her heart ached for him.

    “Me too.” Her tone matched his and she stared at the
    fire. It wasn’t the life she’d wanted for herself, but there was nothing she could do about it now. She had to live with what had happened, even if it meant living alone.
    She wanted to ask him the reason why he was here, but
    didn’t have the heart to cause him any more hurt with
    her questions.

    She sighed.

    He followed suit.

    Silence filled the room and she wished she could make it go away, but she was lost in her thoughts and the dark feeling of sadness growing inside of her. She told herself that she wasn’t lonely, but her heart said it was a lie.
    She wouldn’t still be sitting here if that were the case.
    She wouldn’t be waiting for Scott to say the words she knew he never would and resisting the call of the wild that tugged at the very core of her soul. He’d never
    Hunter’s Moon – Felicity Heaton
    understand the real her. He wouldn’t stick around long enough to even make a start. The moment he realised
    what she was, he’d leave her and she’d be alone again.
    There was no way on earth he would believe her if she
    tried to explain what she was.

    No one understood.

    “Nine years ago I moved here,” he said, his deep voice breaking the silence and making her look at him. He was staring at the fire with a pensive expression firmly
    settled on his face and his eyes narrowed. “I never told anyone why, but…no one ever asked before now.”

    She felt the tension in the room elevate as though it was a physical thing affecting them both. It made her body tighten, her heart clench and her breath leave her. She waited, wanting to hear the reason why he’d come into
    her world, wanting to know that the impression he’d
    made on her wasn’t for nothing and that there was hope for
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