He ran his hand over his hair and sighed as though he
was trying to gather himself enough to speak.
After a moments pause, he did.
“I’ve always been the kind of guy that did everything
with a passion. My job was a passion and my hobby was
a passion, but when that hobby began to become an
obsession then the whole game changed. My colleagues
at work mocked me, my friends turned their backs and
even my wife—” He stopped abruptly and she could see
the pain in his eyes when he looked at her. A mirthless laugh left his lips and he forced a smile. “Well, you get the idea.”
Hunter’s Moon – Felicity Heaton
She nodded, awed and touched by the fact that he was
telling her this when he’d never told anyone before. She reached out and laid a hand on his arm, trying to show him that she was there and she understood the pain he
must have gone through. She had never really been in
love, but she had been in relationships that had ended bitterly and she knew the hurt he held inside.
He sighed and grabbed the bottle of whisky. In one swift movement, he’d uncorked it and was pouring himself a
large glassful. The neck of the bottle rattled against the rim of the glass, telling her how unsteady his hands
“Why?” she said, prompting him but not rushing him.
“You’ll think I’m mad like the rest of them,” he said and looked at her.
“No, no I won’t.” She shook her head and stared deep
into his eyes, wanting him to see that she meant those words.
How could she ever think he was insane? Her whole life was more crazy than he could dream up. This night
would be all she would have to cherish for the next god knows how many years. She didn’t want it to be that
way, but if he realised what she was, he’d really think he was insane and she’d never see him again. She’d never
be able to explain to him that she could control herself, and that it was only once a month that the moon
affected her.
He looked unconvinced so she moved her hand down to
his and curled her fingers around under his palm.
Hunter’s Moon – Felicity Heaton
“Please believe me…this is as easy for me as it is for you…I’ve never had a night like this and I don’t know
when it’s going to end, but I know it’s going to be too soon, and I want you to know me before—”
Scott frowned at the way she’d cut herself off and the tears he could see shining in her eyes. Her words had hit him straight in his chest, tugging at his heartstrings and rendering him powerless to do anything but tell her the things about himself that he had been reluctant to say.
He placed his other hand over hers and silently thanked god that he wasn’t the only one shaking. Her fingers
trembled against his and her gaze was unsteady, her
eyes darting between his in an obvious effort to see
what he was thinking and whether he believed her.
He believed her.
He had the same feeling in the pit of his stomach as she did. He didn’t want this to end but something in the
recesses of his heart said that it was going to, and when it did, he wasn’t sure whether he’d see her again.
“I…I’m not that much of a hunter. I didn’t come up here for the wildlife. I came here for the solitude, for the peace away from prying eyes and pointed fingers. I’ve
had all the jokes made about me that I can take. I just want to pass life quietly up here researching.”
“Researching?” She cocked her head to one side and the corners of her lips tugged into a slight smile.
“This is going to sound a bit weird, but when I was a kid I was obsessed with all the alien movies and the horror and ghost stories. All of that stuff that people usually grow out of. Only I didn’t. I lost interest for a while, but 25
Hunter’s Moon – Felicity Heaton
then about twelve years ago I got into it again. I was married at the time. She left me when I quit my job to do research…into the paranormal.” He waited for