London Art Chase Read Online Free

London Art Chase
Book: London Art Chase Read Online Free
Author: Natalie Grant
Tags: Ebook
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something about princes who turned into frogs or a genie in a bottle.
    And there it was again, the question that popped into her mind every once in a while, the one she usually pushed straight back out, but that she couldn’t avoid either. What about me? If she and Mia were like chords and melody, Mia was for-sure the melody. Which left Maddie to be the chords, the not-so-glimmery, keep-everything-together part of the music. She knew she had her own glimmer, too, but she hadn’t quite figured out what it was.
    â€œYou okay?” Miss Julia asked, noticing Maddie trailing behind. “Your shoes aren’t bothering you, are they?”
    â€œI’m fine.” Maddie forced a smile.
    No one had done anything wrong, not really, and she hated causing trouble. Plus, if she wanted to be right here, right now, with her family, she should do her best to enjoy herself . . . even if things didn’t go exactly her way.
    Dad raised his hand to finally hail a cab, and they all climbed in. Off to the Savoy to have tea, and hopefully to start feeling better.
    â€œSo . . . what else besides unicorns?” Maddie asked Mia.
    Mia launched in, pulling Maddie and Lulu into the brainstorm, and by the time they pulled up to the curb outside the Savoy they’d created a full-blown magical world complete with cotton candy clouds, glitter fairies, and fences made of daisies.

    T he tables were topped with crisp white cloths, daisies in crystal vases, and more silverware and plates than Maddie had ever seen set out together at the same time. What were all of those forks for? Instead of formal chairs, each table was surrounded by comfy chairs and couches.
    Maddie scooted across the couch to make room for Mia and Lulu, careful not to knock into anything. Between her dress and the tablecloth and the couch, she was worried something would pull or snag or trip her up, but in the end, everyone settled in without disaster—even Lulu.
    â€œDad, you’re definitely the only boy in here,” Mia said, giggling.
    Lulu bounced up and down on the cushion, trying to get a better look around the room. “No other boys at all?”
    Dad glanced around the dining room. Then he snapped his napkin like a flag before tucking it into his collar. “If I’m turning in my man card for this little outing, I might as well do it right.”
    The waitress half-smiled as she passed out the menus, but Maddie could tell she’d have laughed at Dad’s napkin if she was allowed. This was something Maddie had noticed about London so far. People seemed to live by a code of rules, one that Maddie didn’t see very often back home. For instance, the front desk staff and bellboy at the hotel all spoke very properly, had perfect posture, and mostly wore serious expressions along with their official uniforms. When they smiled, their smiles seemed like mischief, as though they might be breaking some unspoken rule. In Maddie’s opinion, the mischief made every smile all the more fun.
    â€œAll of our afternoon teas are served with pots of tea, sandwiches, cookies, and scones, but we have a few different options,” the waitress said. “You can share pots of tea, or each have your own. I’ll give you a moment to look over the menu.”
    Maddie had no idea which kind of tea she would like. Jasmine? English Rose?
    â€œWe should do the classic high tea,” Mom said. “With tea sandwiches and sweets too. We can share a few pots of tea so you girls can try a few varieties.”
    â€œWhat kind of sandwiches?” Lulu asked. “Bologna?”
    â€œWell, there’s ham and cheese,” Mom said. “And egg salad, and of course cucumber and cream cheese. And clotted cream with scones.”
    â€œMy favorite!” said Miss Julia.
    â€œClotted cream?” Mia asked. “Like rotten cream, you mean?”
    Mom smiled. “Clotted cream is delicious. You’ll love it, Mia, I
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