finds out.
Clay doubles over laughing, muttering, “Great Pumpkin. Holy shit, that’s funny. Great Pumpkin!” I’ve never seen him laugh so hard. He’s almost in tears. Once he calms himself down, he looks over at me, a huge smile on his face. “That’s classic. I can’t wait to see his face when I tell him what you call his precious baby.”
“No!” I shriek, dropping my hands from my mouth and holding them out towards him. “Clay. Seriously. You can’t tell him! He’d be so mad. You have to promise. Please ! I’ll do anything!” Shit! I didn’t mean to say that.
Clay looks over at me, his grin even wider. I didn’t think it could get bigger than it already was. “ Anything ? Hmm, that could be interesting.”
He looks like he’s considering his options, so I hurry to clarify, “Anything that isn’t sexual, illegal or immoral.” Clay’s face falls, and swear to God, he pouts .
“Well, you’re no fun.”
I roll my eyes. “No, I’m just not stupid and I don’t want to end up expelled or in jail or the health clinic because you gave me the Clap.”
“The Clap?!” Clay puts a hand over his heart, gasping like he’s wounded. “I can’t believe you’d think that of me, Kitty Kat. I always, always wrap my guy. No STD’s here.” He runs his hand down his stomach, resting it on the button of his jeans as he leers at me. “Don’t be shy, little kitten. If you want to see, you just have to ask.”
Cringing away from him, I make a gagging sound. “You’re such a pig. I wouldn’t touch you if you were the last guy on Earth, and it was up to us to procreate.”
Clay laughs loudly. “Never say never, sweetheart.” Shaking his head, he starts to walk away. “Let’s go, time’s a-wastin’.”
Against my better judgment, I follow him to his car. At the beginning of his senior year, Clay’s parents bought him a sleek black car. Since then, he’s added blue racing stripes and fancy chrome wheels. Acting surprisingly like a gentleman, he reaches around me to open the passenger door, shutting it behind me before walking around the rear to get in himself. As soon as the car starts, it’s obvious the stripes aren’t the only addition. With a sheepish look, he turns down the blaring radio quieting the thumping baseline somewhat, though I can still feel the vibrations through the seat.
“Sorry,” he says with a shrug. “I like my music like I like my women—loud.” He winks, and I don’t know what to do with a Clay who’s not just a vulgar jerk. He’s making jokes and I want to laugh. It’s a new side of him, one I actually like, and I don’t know how to reconcile it with the Clay who makes me want to commit murder on an hourly basis. I can’t help but stare at him as he turns the radio up just a little before he puts the car in gear and takes off. We head for the apartment he shares with Max and Emmett, silent but for the curse-filled rap music playing too loudly to encourage more talking.
When we pull up to my apartment, Max’s “great pumpkin” is parked in front. Kat’s eyes dart over to it, stuck as she pulls her bottom lip through her teeth. I’m not sure exactly what she’s thinking, but I figure it’s something along the lines of why didn’t he show up to get me? I had to hitch a ride with the asshole brother . She’s still sitting in the passenger seat when I shut the car off and get out. Just the closing of my door startles her, but her eyes are still locked on his car.
I pull her door open and reach out a hand for her to take. When she doesn’t move, I crouch down to look at her. “Are you planning to sit here all night? I told you he was probably here and just sleeping.” Big eyes meet my own and she finally unbuckles. Ignoring my offered hand, she unfolds her lean body and slides past me, careful not to touch me more than she has to. Normally I’d tease her, but for some reason, seeing her so out of sorts stops me.
Kat walks ahead of