I sat up and said, “What time is it?”
“Around three.”
“I have an idea… if you’re up for it.”
“What’s that?”
“Maybe after you feed him and get him settled back down… Karen could watch him for a bit while you take a walk in the gardens with me? I could ask Cook to pack us some snacks and we could have a little picnic by the pond?”
She smiled and her eyes lit up. “I’d like that a lot,” she said. I was happy and surprised. I’d almost expected her to refuse to leave Michael again. I suppose it was because we weren’t going that far, or away for that long.
“Great!” I reached for my shirt and pulled it on. “I’ll go talk to her and cook and set it up.” She started out of the room and I said, “Vicki?”
“Thank you for him.”
She laughed. “You put in half the genes you know.”
“I know, but you could have… you didn’t have to let me…”
“It’s okay, I know what you mean. Just so you know I’m so glad that I did. I think he’s so lucky to have you. We both are.” She left with the baby and a smile that made me feel warm all over. I think this past couple of weeks with her and Michael have been the most truly contented moments of my life. I wanted it to be like this forever… only I was beginning to want more. I didn’t want to rush her and scare her… but I am not sure how much longer I’d be able to keep those kisses chaste.
I asked Karen and she said she’d love to watch Michael for an hour or two. Cook set about packing a basket full of delicious snacks and by the time Vicki finished feeding Michael, everything was ready.
We walked away from the back of the house towards the gardens that I regrettably didn’t usually get enough time to enjoy. When I first bought the house I’d had grand delusions that Cassandra and I would live here forever and that we would raise children here. I had the gardens designed with walking paths and clearings around the pond where the lawns were lush and green and just perfect for a picnic on a beautiful day. We walked along one of the brick paths and the smells of the flowers wafted around us in the breeze. The fragrance was soft and sweet and I could see Vicki inhaling deeply as we passed the roses. I stopped and picked a deep orange and white one; a variety that I’d had specially imported. I handed it to her and she smiled and put it up to her nose. I wondered as I watched her if she had any idea how beautiful she is.
“It’s beautiful. I’ve never seen one this color before.” She looked into the rose garden and made a little happy noise. “Look at them all! Every color you can think of! They’re gorgeous. Why does the gardener deliver red ones for the house every day?”
I hated to bring up Cassie to her, but in order to give her an accurate answer I said, “He’s still following the instructions that Cassie gave him. You can let him know that you’d like a different color… or a variety. You’re the lady of the house now.” I couldn’t really read the look on her face. I wasn’t sure if it was shock or reluctance.
She laughed then and said, “I’m the lady of the house?”
“Well of course you are. You’re the mother of the lord of the manor and my…”
She looked at me curiously, in anticipation of what I was going to say next. “Your what? What do you think of me as… other than Michael’s mother?” She looked like she enjoyed putting me on the spot.
“I would love to think of you as my girlfriend… to start. If that’s okay with you?”
She smiled brightly then and the next thing I know she was throwing her arms around my neck. I had to drop the picnic basket and blanket I held onto in order to wrap her up in mine. “It’s okay,” she said. She looked up at me with her pretty face and I brought my lips down to meet hers. She was so responsive, I loved kissing her. This kiss started