Manipulated: a Rockstar Romantic Comedy (Hammered Book 3) Read Online Free Page A

Manipulated: a Rockstar Romantic Comedy (Hammered Book 3)
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flying around in there. We appreciate the donation.”
    Jazz shrugged. “For kids or animals, I’m always in.”
    “If Hunter and Kenny had their way it would always be animals, but we went for kids this year.” I winked before climbing the stairs to the woman with the clipboard.
    I glanced down to say my goodbyes but Jazz and Gray were already snuggled up against each other, intimate laughter drifting up to me. I pushed down the twinge of something that felt way too much like jealousy. A perpetual state for me tonight, evidently.
    I turned my smile on the delicious belly dancer. “So, you’re the one that gets to give me a stack of play money to put into the box, then?”
    She smiled. “And a very generous stack it is, Mr. Blackwell.” Her voice was a purr. And for a moment I utterly forgot about the green eyed monster that had been climbing up to nest in my chest.
    I much preferred this.
    Flirting and attraction was far easier to navigate.
    “Then maybe you’ll need to help me out.” I scratched my neck with my hook. “I could use a hand.”
    She nibbled on her lower lip, then put down her clipboard. “I can do that.”
    “Much obliged.” I bowed low. And as expected she giggled and moved closer.
    I’d keep laughing and smiling until the green monster was snuffed out, dammit.

    “ O pportunity of a lifetime , huh?” I slid a glance at my sister after we passed the gladiators blocking entry to the wide front doors of the Houdini Estate. “Does that include getting patted down by guys wearing fake tin?”
    “It’s real tin, lady.” One of the gladiators thumped his breast plate and I rolled my eyes as Ava adjusted the press pass around her neck. She’d had it displayed before walking in, of course, but it had blocked some of her cleavage. Somehow she’d managed to drape it just below her twin peaks of glory.
    Her pass covered us both. She’d been granted clearance by her friend Keys in the band Hammered, who were some of the featured attendees of tonight’s soiree for charity. The article she was there to write about the fabulousness of this shindig needed photos, after all, and her normal photographer was out with laryngitis. Besides, photos were my business, right? So what if I hadn’t covered a party this huge since…oh, ever. It was all good. At least according to Ava.
    From lizards to my sister’s boobs to inebriated rockstars, all in one day. My world was getting more fascinating by the nanosecond.
    “Your wig is crooked.” Finished fussing with her pass, my sister stepped to me and inched up on her heels to adjust my newly dark hair.
    It was coiled and poufed in front in the classic pinup style, but I couldn’t stop toying with it. Normally, I braided my hair back for work. Instead I had fussy curls and the length swinging down my spine. I hated having hair on my neck. Playing dress up, I loved. At least I used to.
    Pre-Steve. Even early Steve, back when we’d had fun together. Mid-Steve had been tolerable. Late-Steve? Absolutely sucked, so I was years removed from partying or even socializing much. I barely remembered the steps anymore.
    Anyway, this wasn’t for play. Tonight was a job. Working after the day I’d put in was hard enough, especially since I had a double shift at the bar tomorrow. The bar was what paid my rent and allowed me to afford equipment, so I couldn’t sleep in and make up for what I would surely lose tonight. Add in working when I didn’t feel appropriately dressed…
    Admit it. You don’t feel capable, period. You might grumble about reptiles, but that wasn’t above your head. Schmoozing with rockstars, though? Miles up and climbing.
    “You’re shaking.”
    “What?” I hid my nerves behind the glare I aimed at my sister. “Of course I’m not. I’m just not as steady on these heels. It’s been a while.”
    Ava grabbed my hand and dragged me across the Spanish tiles to the corner beside a large potted plant in a golden urn. So much gold
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