waiting for the unveiling of his latest scientific marvel that would be beamed to everyone on the planet at the G8 summit in December. It was going to be held in Geneva barely six months from now.
No one in the world knew that the unveiling of that discovery would trigger the event that would turn earth into Nephilim. He alone knew what the earth’s fate was. He and Seyi that is, because he had told her about it. Sadly, she did not believe him. Her disbelief strained their relationship, making them slowly drift apart.
The ringing of his phone grew more insistent. It had a function that made the ring tone louder the longer you left it unanswered. He had not quite figured out how to turn it off. He made a vow to find out how to do it. Even if he had to dig the manual out from underneath the scores of boxes he had stacked in his study.
He toyed with the idea of simply ignoring the call, but decided not to. The sooner he got it over with the better for him. He pushed the call icon on the touch screen and raised the phone to his ear.
“Why didn’t you answer your phone immediately?”
Her voice, as usual sounded angry. She was obviously spoiling for a fight. He was tempted to yell at her for using that tone of voice with him, but the feeling of anger faded away quickly replaced by weariness. It was not worth the trouble to bicker.
“I have no excuse __,” He got out in a glum voice.
A heavy silence loomed from the other end. He knew what that meant of course. She was controlling her temper with great difficulty. He waited. The silence stretched to half a minute before she spoke.
“Where are you?” Her hard voice had a steely quality to it.
“Do you need to ask?”
There was a sarcastic edge to his tone. He was asking for it. She almost always threw a hissy fit when he sounded like this.
“THE HOSPITAL AGAIN???!!!” She screeched.
A sigh left his lips. Seyi never disappointed. She was so damn predictable.
“Gbenga when will this madness end?”
“IT IS NOT MADNESS!!!” He roared infuriated by her patronizing tone.
“Just because you don’t believe in something doesn’t make it a lie does it? After all, in the early nineteen hundreds, no one believed that man could fly and we all know how that turned out.”
“Don’t bring the Wright brothers into this Gbenga. That is a different thing and you know it.”
“How is it different Seyi? Most of the great men being celebrated today were at one time or the other called mad because of the things they perceived which nobody else did. The list is endless; Thomas Edison, the Wright brothers, Richard Branson and if we want to go all spiritual, Jesus Christ.”
“OH PLEASE! Don’t tell me you now see yourself as some sort of modern day Jesus Christ? Just because you have acquired the taste for religion does not give you the right to preach to me. What do you take me for? AN IDIOT??!!
“Now you are wasting your hard earned money trying to keep a man who the doctors say might be better off dead, alive. Not to mention spending millions of naira to build a bunker underneath our home because of some vision you thought you saw when you were in a coma.
“It was a coma Gbenga! You were practically dead. Its only natural you had dreams and hallucinations.”
“If that is true__” Gbenga cut in angrily. “How did I recognize the three men and one woman lying beside me in the hospital? You believe that was chance? Or the things I saw in my so called hallucinations being reported on CNN about a month after I woke up. Explain that!!”
There was silence at the other end for a few moments, and then__
“I am done arguing with you. Your dinner will be in the microwave when you get back. If you are hungry that is.”
And with a click, the connection was cut. Infuriated, Gbenga slid the phone back into his pocket. Seyi could drive a saint to rage. Let her believe what she liked. Either way he had nothing to lose.
Nothing but your marriage, a sardonic