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Mysty McPartland
Book: Mysty McPartland Read Online Free
Author: The Rake's Substitute Bride
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mistress. Maybe she thought she could delay the coming confrontation just a little bit longer. Tugging on her husband’s sleeve to gain his attention, she waited for him to acknowledge her. When he turned to frown at her, she smiled sweetly at him. “Oh I don’t mind if you talk to her. If she has a problem I’m sure she will most happily benefit from your help.”
    The very second he spotted the mischievous light in his wife’s eyes, Nathan knew she was up to something. And he knew he was right the moment she finished speaking and why, he glared hotly at her. “Well I do mind and Lidia can sort out her problem on her own.” He swung back to his mistress. “Goodbye Lidia.” He stepped around her and with his wife practically running beside, him strode out of the ballroom.

Chapter Four

    Breathless Sheldon stood in the middle of her bedroom, and eyed her husband warily knowing that things were about to become more than heated. Well so be it, in this she was going to be adamant. He could bellow and threaten all he liked, but she wasn’t going to change her mind.
    “Did you really think you could put this conversation off?” Nathan wasn’t surprised when she shrugged her delicate shoulders.
    Nervously clearing her throat, she decided to just get the whole thing over with. “Well I thought you would appreciate spending some time alone with your mistress. After all you won’t be sharing my bed.”
    Nathan sucked in his breath, it surprised him a little that she knew all along who Lidia was, but he shook it away. He had more important matters to deal with beside her knowledge of his mistress and that was his wife’s refusal to consummate their marriage. “You are my wife and it is your duty to supply me with heirs and that means sharing your bed with me.”
    Her head shaking in refusal, Sheldon ignored the fear that was making her body tremble. “I am your substitute wife. I was forced to marry you and you know it. I sent a message to you through my father specifically telling you I was not going to be your substitute bedmate.”
    His jaw clenched, Nathan tried to keep hold of his rising temper knowing that if he lost it, things would only turn even more difficult. “Well let me assure you, I never received the message. Besides you promised to honor and obey me or have you forgotten?”
    “I only pretended.”
    Lord, give him strength, he was going to have to hit her where she was most vulnerable, her pride. “Whether you pretended or not, you did give your oath or are you as deceitful as the rest of your family?” Nathan threw at her and saw by the stunned hurt look on her face, he scored a blow to her pride which he knew he would. Yet he was surprised at the twinge of guilt that swept through him, but he wasn’t going to apologize. Be damned if he would.
    The attack on her integrity wounded her, Sheldon turned away so he wouldn’t see it. “I always honor my word. However, can’t you understand that I find it quite impossible for me to jump into bed with you? We’re strangers for goodness sakes, and besides we don’t even like each other.” Hopefully, he would consider her argument as a valid one.
    Nathan wasn’t sure about not liking each other, but he could understand her reluctance, and he only admitted it grudgingly though. He lifted his head back and stared up at the ceiling as he tried to come to a reasonable arrangement. Time was running out and he needed to father a child, but perhaps give or take a few weeks he could put off bedding his wife until she was more comfortable with him and the situation.
    Wisely deciding that it was the perfect solution, he turned his attention back to his wife. “Perhaps you are right and we both need time to acquaint ourselves with each other.” He could see he’d stunned her with his consideration and he forced himself not to grin.
    Her eyes widening over his acceptance, Sheldon couldn’t help her relieved smile. “Thank you. I appreciate your
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