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Mysty McPartland
Book: Mysty McPartland Read Online Free
Author: The Rake's Substitute Bride
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understanding and thoughtfulness. I would also like to mention I do not mind if you continue seeing your mistress. However, I would be very disappointed and unhappy if you continue to seek your pleasure at the brothels. You must know a lot of those poor women don’t have any other choice, or that some of them are forced into such a degrading life.”
    To say he was shocked was putting it mildly. Nathan could only stare at the women in stunned disbelief. He gave a rough shake of his head so he could clear his jumbled brain. Even though he had every intention of continuing to see his mistress, for his wife to actually give him permission was unbelievable. He almost smiled, well he had planned to keep seeing Lidia, but after her little show down stairs, he decided their affair was over. However, he did intend to find another woman to take her place. Now though, after his wife giving him her consent, it just didn’t feel right.
    He rolled his shoulders and sent his wife a humorless grin. “Well I must say that is very accommodating and decent of you. However, I don’t have a mistress and as for visiting the brothels, I’ll refrain from doing so from now on.” He wanted to laugh at seeing the disbelief sweep over her lovely face, but her come back surprised him once more.
    Did he really think she would believe him? Sheldon wanted to clout him over the head instead, she smiled sweetly. “I think poor Lidia would disagree with you. Why don’t you go down and visit with her awhile? I’m sure she’ll make you happy, at least for a few hours.”
    Oh she was smart as a whip and it annoyed him, Nathan sent her a heated glare. “I don’t give a damn about what Lidia thinks or feels. And if you have forgotten this is our wedding night and I have no intentions of sharing it with anyone else but my bride. Now I’ll leave you to change into something more comfortable and then I will be back.” Not giving her a chance to argue, he strode to the connecting door, opened it, stepped through and closed it soundly behind him.
    Damn infuriating woman, well she might think they weren’t sharing a bed, but he had every intentions of sleeping with his bride on their wedding night. Even if he wasn’t going to make love to her. The little witch was going to learn she couldn’t have everything her own way and tonight would be her first lesson.
    Distrustfully watching her husband stalk out of the room, Sheldon sank into a chair once she was alone. She was positive the man was up to something. He gave in too easily. Denying that woman was his mistress was ludicrous. Putting her mistrust aside, she stood up when the maids who helped her dress for her wedding returned to the room, she suspected that her husband must have sent for them.
    While they undressed her and fussed over her, she thought about her sister and wondered where Bethany was. She didn’t understand why her sister would run away, when from the moment their father mentioned a betrothal with the duke, Bethany had been ecstatic. It just didn’t make sense. She could only think her sister was up to something devious. Well, there was little she could do about it until her sister returned, and she found out what it was all about.
    A little surprised the maids were finished dressing her in her night attire, she watched them scurry out of the bedroom and took a glance at herself in the mirror. She gasped in dismay and embarrassment, the nightgown they put on her was scandalous. Well if one could call it a nightgown. There wasn’t one inch of her that wasn’t visible through the dark red gossamer thin garment. Oh, she’d seen nightwear like this before in the brothels she visited, but she’d never owned such an indecent item herself.
    Just the thought of the duke seeing her in something like this would not only be dangerous, but also mortifying. Hurrying over to the dresser, she tugged a drawer open and rummaged through the items until she found a suitable gown. Quickly she changed
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