certainly as any American is bound to say it has come as it is it has come to stay.
Now wherein is our use of it so different and it is completely different from the way the English used it in the early day when it was first coming if not coming to stay and then later when the nineteenth century had it as a language that had completely and entirely come to do nothing really do nothing but stay.
It has been said that our use of the English language has some connection with the Elizabethans and that has been said because at that time the English language moved around, words were themselves and having been discovered and having been exciting by being next to each other were gaily and happilyalive and everyone who had anything to do with them felt that way about them. The words themselves at that time did not decide what they were to do in the way that the meaning should come out of them but every one who did anything with them was excited by the way anyone could use anyone of them and how wonderful it was to do what anyone was doing with them. That made the liveliness of the period ending with the Elizabethans that every one liked everything that any word was and liked anything that any one could do with anyone of them any word or all the words that were there then, but and that is where it was very different from the American way of using those words they did not want the words the settled words the known words to act in a particularly that is to move in a particular way and also in any kind of a direction.
The English from Chaucer to the Elizabethans played with words they endlessly played with words because it was such an exciting thing to have them there words that had come to be the words they had just come to use then.
But the American has a different feeling, these words the words that the Englishman had settled into having as a steady and unchangeable something, they the Americans did not care for the particular use these later Englishmen had come to have for them and the American had then decided that any word which was a word which was there if you put enough pressure upon them if you arranged and concentrated and took away all excrescences from them you could make these same words do what you needed to do with them.
And they did this thing and they are doing this thing and punctuation and arranging them and destroying any connection between them between thewords that would that did when the English used them make of them having a beginning and a middle and an ending to them has made of these English words words that move as the Americans move with them move always move and in every and in any direction. It is a very interesting thing that this this has been done a very interesting thing that this has been done by the pressure brought to bear upon them brought to bear upon these words which came to us as they were and as they still are but now they have an entirely different movement in them.
Anybody can tell this the minute they pick up any ordinary book any ordinary newspaper any ordinary advertisement or read any ordinary road sign or slang or conversation. The words used are the same words but they have such a different pressure put upon them that in the case of the English the words have the feeling of containing that in which they are staying and with the American they have the feeling that they are and indicate and feel moving existing inside in them.
And so there is all this and twenty-five years move around so quickly and a century does not move around at all and at any time that is to say at some time a century will have its ending and its beginning and after all why not after all since after all after all nothing so any American can know nothing does need to have a middle and ending and a beginning and certainly at the end of every century or so at the end of a grandfather to a granddaughter at the end of a grandmother to a grandson, there will be that every one has