Night Hungers Read Online Free

Night Hungers
Book: Night Hungers Read Online Free
Author: Kathi S. Barton
Tags: paranormal romance, Erotic Romance, ~~Aaron’s Kiss~~ Book 10
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the world so pretty if they were to come here, don’t you think?”
    “Everything is ‘pretty’ now,” Bailey told him. “Last month everything was ‘lovely.’
    It depends on what new word she hears that she repeats all the time. I shudder to think what she might hear next. Come along, sweetheart, it’s bedtime.”
    “Ah, I see. And ‘skirty?’ I take that to mean ‘skittish?’”
    “Yes. Very good. I have to get her to bed. If I don’t, she’ll be a terror in the morning.
    And I need my quiet time more and more lately. Tell Uncle Aiden goodnight, baby.”
    He kissed Emma’s forehead and handed her back to her mother. Bailey took her up the stairs and disappeared around the corner. Aiden went to the study with his brother.
    ~CHAPTER 3~
    Zane watched her target move along the building. She’d been following him for the past hour and he never seemed to be alone. If he didn’t move to a quieter place, and alone, she was going to have to change her plans and shoot him. That would not only be messy, but also dangerous.
    Just as she was about to move in for the shot he moved to the front of the abandoned building and slipped inside. Zane wasn’t sure what was in the large warehouse, but she was willing to bet whatever it was couldn’t be good. The file she had on him said that he was dealing in making and disturbing rock cocaine. She was afraid that’s what this was going to be.
    As soon as he shut the door behind him Zane moved closer. By the time she was slipping into the door five minutes had passed. It didn’t take her long to find his scent and that of the projects he had going on within the building. Not only was her target making crack, he was also dealing in meth. She moved back to the front of the building and reached out to her contact with the cell phone that had been in the second envelope that had arrived at her work early this morning.
    “There’s a problem. I’ve found his money-making projects and he’s in the building.
    If I blow it like I should, it’s going to be cleaner. If I call the cops to find it, I’m not hanging around to make sure he gets dead. Up to you.”
    “Blow it. Make sure there is the least amount of casualties as possible without causing an issue. I’ll leave the way you do it in your hands. I can extend your time to Saturday if you wish. The client will be pleased about the drugs. What are they, by the way?”
    “Yeah, I’ll need the extra day to get the place set up. The coke is here that you said and meth. From the smell I’d say he has a large set up going. I can make it look like an accident from the heat. I’ll leave enough evidence so the cops don’t worry what happened.”
    “Very well. Saturday then. Good luck and be safe, Mechanic,” he said. Then the phone went dead.
    Zane took out the battery of the phone and held it in her hand. Pouring energy into it, she dropped it as soon as it flared with heat. Anyone who picked it up would never know it had been a battery at one time. She did the same with the phone itself. She’d been working with this man long enough to know he’d never used the same phone twice. And she destroyed it so that no one would ever be able to track it her back to her.
    Moving deep into the belly of the building again, she followed her nose to get to the lab. She was surprised at how massive the operation was. Not only did he have several hundred different heat stations, he also had an assembly line of workers filling the containers for distribution. It was both disturbing and fascinating to her that he’d never been caught.
    Zane stayed in the building until she noticed that at around midnight people started cleaning up their stations and were getting ready to leave. Her target had never ventured from his office in the four hours she’d been there. She knew that he was above the work area, so she knew that he was still close. Doing a mental scan of the building she knew that, other than her target, there were two men in the
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