again,” the man blurted, his face a violent shade of puce. I was afraid he would lose his lunch right there on the king’s carpet. Bastien was unaffected by this, in a way that was terrifying and alluring all at once.
“I certainly hope not…for your sake,” he said coldly, releasing the imprisoned arm and stepping back as the marquis rose clumsily and stomped away, attempting and failing to maintain any form of dignity as he rubbed his injured arm. Bastien stared after him, his shoulders hunched like a tiger ready to pounce, until the marquis disappeared. Then, releasing the stress from his body, he turned to me and knelt down delicately by my side.
“And you, little countess? Are you alright?” I shivered at his use of the term my attacker had just used. Then I began to cry. Still kneeling, Bastien pulled a kerchief from his pocket and handed it to me, watching as I dabbed daintily at the corners of my eyes and nose. After a moment, I grew uncomfortable at the way he was staring at me, and I reached for any conversation piece I could think of.
“How did you learn to apprehend a man like that?” I asked. “It’s hardly respectable,” I added, wincing at how rude I could be. I could have been ruined by the whims of a drunk if it wasn’t for the man before me, and yet my defenses still told me to push him away. If I liked him too much, it would be too painful when we could never marry. He had to know that, in spite of his advances. Instead of answering my question, he began to lightly probe my face where the marquis had pressed his hand.
“You have a small bruise growing on your cheek,” he said softly. “I’ve never seen such delicate skin.”
I quickly pulled his hands from my face and held them firmly down. This forced him to finally pay attention to me , and not my potential injuries. He sighed.
“My family is military, remember? I’m a trained soldier.”
“That can hardly be true, considering that you attend the king’s ball as a member of the elite,” I said. Why was I being such a jerk? For some reason, this made him smirk, which made his ridiculously handsome dimple display all its glory. I fought down the urge to rub my thumb against it and see just how delicate his skin was. He shrugged before standing.
“I’m just lucky, I guess.”
I stared up at him, unsure whether my legs and weary feet would allow me to rise. When he realized my predicament, he held out his hand for me to grasp. As I reached out to him, I felt the piercing sting of whalebone sticking into my rib. The marquis’ violence had displaced it, causing unbearable pain.
“What is it?” Bastien asked, concerned. I was too mortified to tell him, but my posture seemed to give me away.
“Corset loose?” He asked, as though we were discussing the weather. I stared at him, helpless, unable to actually say the words to a man, let alone a near stranger. Ever the surprise, Bastien bent down and gently lifted me into his arms.
“What are you doing?!” I demanded, secretly thrilled at the sensation. Our faces were closer than ever.
“Rescuing a damsel in distress. In fact, that’s what I’ve been doing the whole time, if you haven’t noticed. You’re really not that obtuse, are you J?”
I would have slapped him if the action wouldn’t have stabbed me in the gut. Instead I sat comfortably in his strong, soldierly embrace as he carried me silently back through another hallway to my actual bedroom. I couldn’t believe how off course I had been…probably wouldn’t have made it back into my room at all. And where were the servants to guide us? Probably drunk, I thought spitefully.
When we finally reached my room, Bastien knocked quietly, and my maid answered.
“What’s happened?! Mlle J, are you alright?” my maid bustled and panicked as Bastien strolled right into my bedroom for the second time that night and laid me gently on my bed. I could have died, and if anyone had seen us I would never recover from the