High-Stakes Passion Read Online Free

High-Stakes Passion
Book: High-Stakes Passion Read Online Free
Author: Juliet Burns
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July rodeo issue. If you can get an exclusive interview with the Lone Cowboy, the position’s yours.”
    Remembering that conversation gave her the courage to return to the kitchen. As she entered, John Walsh was just coming in the back door. Following him was a slim lady with thick white hair twisted in a stylish French roll. She wore pressed jeans and a western shirt. “You must be Audrey!” the woman exclaimed, flashing a big smile with slightly crooked teeth. “I’m Helen, John’s wife.”
    â€œNice to meet you.” Audrey offered a friendly smile. “Do y’all want some iced tea?”
    â€œDoes a bull want a heifer?” John asked as he grabbed a chair and turned it around backward to sit.
    â€œJohn!” Helen swatted playfully at his arm as John chuckled under his breath. Helen shook her head and gave Audrey a rueful grin. “After almost fifty years, I still can’t tame him, and I sure can’t shoot him.”
    John took Helen’s hand and raised it to his lips. They exchanged an affectionate look.
    It seemed to Audrey they were still very much in love. After fifty years? She dreamed of a romance like that.
    Helen turned to her as Audrey poured the tea.
    â€œWe know the house is awful, but…” Helen hesitated and gave John a look charged with unspoken questions. “Mark’s recuperation has been slow and, well, you can see why he needs a good housekeeper.”
    Slow? Now was her chance to get some straight answers. “Were his injuries severe?”
    Helen frowned and dropped her gaze to the table. “Well, his right leg was crushed—”
    â€œCrushed!” Was that why he’d been so defensive about his leg? This revelation made her more determined than ever to talk to Mark Malone. She knew this would be the story to launch her career.
    â€œHe was in the hospital for six weeks, and then physical therapy. It took another two months for him to walk again. The retirement has been…an adjustment for him.”
    â€œWell, if you ladies are through gabbing.” John stood, turning his chair and pushing it in. “I’ve got to get back to work.”
    â€œWork?” Helen exclaimed. “I thought you were going to show Audrey around.”
    His eyes twinkled as he gave her a mischievous grin. “Can’t spare the time. I asked Mark to do it.”
    Audrey heard boot steps behind her and spun to see Mark standing in the doorway, holding a beer. He scowled at John, but stepped in and bent to give Helen a quick kiss on the cheek. “How’s your arthritis?”
    Helen waved away his concern and stood up. “I’m fine. Got to go.” She followed John out but turned on the porch. “Y’all have a good afternoon.” She smiled and waved.
    Audrey swallowed the lump in her throat and tried to smile back.
    Mark glared at her and paced to the fridge. He opened the door, leaned in and reappeared with a fresh bottle of beer. Popping the top, he gestured toward the door. “After you.”
    â€œThe Double M’s over five thousand acres, and there’s about twelve hundred head of brindled cattle,” Mark said as he passed the corral. He took a long swallow of beer before continuing. “The extra men are here for spring roundup. Usually it’s just Jim, Ruth and John.”
    â€œAnd you,” Audrey interjected as she quickstepped to keep up with his long-legged stride.
    Mark frowned and stuck the fingers of his free hand into the pocket of his jeans. “Not anymore,” he muttered. He shook his head and headed for the barn, tipping the bottle to his lips again.
    She trailed after him, determined to get some answers. “Why are you selling?”
    His stride hitched only slightly before he took another drink and continued as if he hadn’t heard her. When he reached the barn doors, he stopped and turned, his eyes sparking with annoyance. “John
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