Payne (The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Grit Chapter Book 3) Read Online Free Page B

Payne (The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Grit Chapter Book 3)
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building, climbed the stairs to get to her floor, and stalked down the hallway to her door. When he was in front of it he just stood there, thinking about what he was going to say. But without wasting time and acting like a pussy, he pounded on the door.
    It only took a moment for the lock to disengage, and for the door to swing open. And then there she was, standing in front of him and letting him know how much he fucking loved her.

    * * *
    H e was here , and she didn’t know what in the hell to do. There he stood, on the other side of her front door, dressed in leather and denim, and looking so damn good. She didn’t move, didn’t even breathe. He smelled good, like motor oil and man, and every part of her body lit up.
    She’d missed him so damn much.
    I love you.
    Her first instinct was to cover her belly, not because she was afraid, but because Payne was the father and he stood right in front of her. But she didn’t do that, and instead held onto the doorframe with one hand. Her throat was threatening to close shut, and she didn’t know what to do or say. She was already showing quite a bit, and it would be painfully obvious that she was pregnant once Payne looked down … which he would at some point.
    “Payne,” she finally managed to croak out.
    And then he was coming inside, not touching her, but having her move back in response. He shut the door, and she craned her neck back to look in his face.
    “What are you doing here?” Good, I can say a bit more, and make myself appear calm.
    “You ran,” he said, his eyes narrowing, his mouth set in a hard line.
    And then she did cover her belly, because that was one of the reasons she’d run. She’d just found out she was pregnant, and worried about his reaction since he hadn’t acted like he cared for her.
    And he’s here now.
    And when he lowered his gaze down to her belly, his eyes slightly widening after a second as if he’d just realized, she expected the disgust to come from him. Or maybe for him to just turn and leave her standing there.
    “Vicky?” He said her name low, his voice sounding thick. “You’re pregnant.” He said it without making it sound like a question.
    “Yes,” she said. She’d wanted to tell him, but had been too afraid. Well, now was definitely the time. “You’re going to be a dad, Payne.” She swallowed. “It’s a boy.”

    I t hadn’t taken much convincing to have Vicky come back to the clubhouse with him, but then again she hadn’t told him she’d stay permanently. She came to see Clara, and if she wanted to leave again, well, he’d have to figure out how in the fuck to make her see she belonged here … with him.
    Payne stood at the bar, downing another shot. He was going to be a father, and that shit was pretty heavy. A fucking father, and he didn’t know what to do about that. It seemed wrong somehow, so fucking wrong.
    He was damn happy. She was having his baby, and they were going to be a family, but she’d run from him. Hadn’t even given him the chance of being a good father. She’d just taken off.
    They hadn’t really spoken about all of this either, which they needed to. She’d slept most of the way back to Grit, and he knew she was exhausted.
    “Did you know she was pregnant?” he asked Clara, who was only a few feet away, going through some club paperwork.
    After Clara and Vicky had a very short reunion, Payne had wanted Vicky in his room to rest.
    He wanted to go to her, but he also needed to wrap his head around all of this. When he’d first seen her back at her apartment she’d looked so damn fragile. He’d done that to her, and he hated the fact he’d made her hurt.
    “Yes,” Clara finally said.
    He nodded. “That’s why you wouldn’t help me.”
    “I helped. I kept in touch with her and made sure she was okay. If she needed money, I pushed some into an account for her,” Clara said. “She needed space.”
    “I don’t get you fucking women,” Payne growled out.
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