Payne (The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Grit Chapter Book 3) Read Online Free

Payne (The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Grit Chapter Book 3)
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She was having a baby. That shit was big to process, and she had even gone to the hospital to have a checkup and a scan. She was having a beautiful baby boy.
    Just the thought of a tiny Payne made her feel so much love and joy.
    Every single night she would sit at the end of her bed in the small apartment that she rented, staring at the phone. She didn’t make a whole lot of cash, but she got by. The apartment was nice, and it was one she’d be willing to keep her baby in when he came.
    “How much longer, dear?” Francine asked.
    “A few more months still.”
    “We’ve not seen the father around. Is that what you want?”
    Francine was a kind woman, but she was nosey, and the question took Vicky by surprise. Her first instinct was to go on the defensive, but she bit her tongue. Vicky sat with her for many hours listening to her talk about her seven kids and thirty grandkids. The woman always had company, and she always liked to talk.
    But this question was a bit intrusive.
    “It is what it is. I don’t really want to talk about it.” Tears filled her eyes, and she quickly blinked them away. She would not cry in front of someone. This had been her decision to leave. And even after contemplating going back and telling Payne, she’d decided this was the best course of action.
    “Sweetie, nothing has to happen. Sit down, tell me all about it.”
    Vicky took a seat, thankful of the rest on her feet. “It’s nothing.”
    “It’s something, otherwise you wouldn’t be crying. Now, what is the problem?”
    Biting her lip, she tried her hardest to keep the tears in. “I loved him more than he loved me. He had this … club. You know, some of the guys relied on him, and he couldn’t be seen to have a weakness. He didn’t love me enough to trust me to be by his side. He didn’t want the commitment.”
    “I’ve been on this world eighty-five years, and in all that time I’ve come to see that men are stupid.”
    Vicky started laughing.
    “You think I’m kidding. I’m not. Men are entirely stupid, and for the most part, they are a waste of time.”
    “Really?” Vicky wiped away the tears.
    “When it comes to really crazy, and the most important decisions in life, yes, men are stupid. The thing is, we wouldn’t have them any other way. They are stupid, but they are also the loves of our lives, and none of us would be without that. We love them too damn much to let them go.”
    Vicky sighed. “I do love him. I love him so much that it hurts.”
    “I know. It’s hard. It is always hard. Men, they don’t make it easy. You’re so young, and you should be living life, loving it in fact.”
    “I love working here.”
    “Sweetie, it’s a pleasure to have you in our lives.”
    After an hour of talking with Francine, it was time for Vicky to head home. She traveled up the apartment stairs and got her key out. Once inside, she rested her head against the door and took several deep breaths. The nights were always the hardest. She struggled without Payne.
    Grabbing her cell phone, she dialed Clara’s number and waited.
    “Hello,” King said, answering the phone.
    Gritting her teeth, she tried not to say what she wanted to, but her need won out. “How is he?”
    In the distance she heard noise. She heard him.
    “Is that Vicky? What the fuck?” Payne asked.
    “Clara went to the toilet. I answered her phone,” King said.
    “Baby, Vicky, is that you?” Payne asked, suddenly on the phone with her.
    She closed her eyes as the sound of his voice went through her.
    It’s been so long.
    “Hey,” she finally said.
    “What are you doing? Come home.”
    “I can’t come home.”
    She pressed a hand to her stomach as the tears welled up inside her. That’s daddy on the phone, and he doesn’t know about you.
    “Why can’t you come home?”
    “Payne, do you love me?” she asked.
    Again, he didn’t say the words. He was around the club, and his feelings would remain his
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