Phase One: Identify (Territory of the Dead) Read Online Free Page A

Phase One: Identify (Territory of the Dead)
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before the sun ever hits the sky tomorrow.”
    She leaned into the camera, and I felt as if she were talking directly to me. “For those of you that want to live though, listen and listen well. These zombies aren't the slow, dumb creatures we have all seen on film. These zombies are fast, faster than we are. The more they eat, the stronger they seem to get. The ones I have seen tonight have red eyes as well. The only way to kill them is by shooting them in the head or cutting their head off.”
    “I object to that,” the reporter broke in, his voice loud enough for us to hear him. He shook his head at the woman, his expression angry. “I simply can't tolerate you suggesting to viewers to go out and murder these people. We don't know what's wrong with them, maybe they are just ill.”
    She looked back at him in disbelief. “So how many people have you ate the last time you felt ill, Mr. big time, know-it-all reporter? I'll tell you what. Since you're so concerned with saving the zombies that wouldn't think twice about killing you, why don't you go out there and show us what you've got? I'm sure your cameraman here would be only to happy to film you through the window when you become dinner.”
    The reporter smirked at her before eying her with disdain. “What makes you such an expert?”
    She ignored him, turning her attention back to the viewers. “If you're still alive and hearing this, I beg you to listen. I've never seen anything like this before. Tonight I lost my whole family to these animals. If you want to stay alive, be cautious.
    Don't go out unarmed, and don't go out alone. If it's safe, try to make it to the police station. These zombies are everywhere now, and I guarantee the dead are outnumbering the living. Try to not join their ranks.”
    She turned back to the reporter, holding out the microphone. “I'm not an expert, I'm a survivor. I hope you can learn how to be one yourself.”
    With that, she turned and walked away.
    The reporter came back on, but dad turned it down low. “My God,” he said, looking at us. “It's a nightmare.”
    “Dad, do you think we should try to go to the station?”
    He was thoughtful for a moment, and then looked at Jayden before shaking his head. Jayden was still spaced out. I couldn't say for sure he even knew where he was at. It was scary how silent and unaware he really was.
    “No, at least not tonight,” Dad finally replied. “Not with Jayden like this. There are to many variables that could happen on the way there. What if our car happened to just break down, or what if we got a flat tire? Here, we are safe. We have plenty of food, the news, and our cell phones. Let's wait and see what happens with all of this tomorrow and go from there.”
    I nodded. What he said made sense. Truth be told, I wasn't eager to go back out, although there would be safety in the numbers found at the police station.
    He turned to Jayden. “Son, I know you've went through a terrible tragedy tonight. I can't imagine what you're going through, or how much pain you must be in right now. We are here for you though, in anyway you need us. Just tell us what to do.”
    Jayden didn't respond to him, but my dad didn't seem to expect him to. My mom got up and came back with a blanket, placing it across his legs. Dad popped out the foot rest on the recliner, which was his favorite part of the seat. “You just rest.”
    He turned away from Jayden, his expression weary as he looked at us. “All of us are going to bed down in here tonight. I don't want us separated, and we need to be where we can see the news at all times. There's enough room for all of us.”
    Our living room was fairly large. It was decided that Dad would take the other recliner, while Mom and I slept on the sofa bed. Although I'm officially an adult now, I have to admit it was comforting to know they were right here in the same room. After all I'd seen, I
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