Protect and Serve: Badge Bunny Read Online Free Page B

Protect and Serve: Badge Bunny
Book: Protect and Serve: Badge Bunny Read Online Free
Author: Cynthia Sax
Tags: Romance
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Wright reads my mind. “Sarge is with her. He won’t let Fox get to her.”
    “Sarge? He can’t protect his own ass.” We both know I don’t mean that. Sarge would give up his life for me. Friends like that are rare. I shouldn’t second guess their abilities. I ignore my gut and drive in the opposite direction toward the children’s hospital.
    Chief decided not to evacuate. I told him he was making a mistake. I also, in the heat of the argument, called him a jackass. Neither was good for my career. I don’t care. If kids die tonight, I’ll never forgive myself. My knuckles ache from gripping the steering wheel.
    I pull into the crowded parking lot. It must be flu season. The lot is filled with shiny black cars. Some of these are patrol vehicles but most aren’t ours.
    My yelling might have done some good because Chief relented on the staffing. Along with Wright and myself, the off duty cops have been called in to help protect the hospital. Losing precious time off will make my fellow officers very unhappy with me. They’ll be even more pissed when they hear the odds of survival. If the vamps show up in force, we’re dead men walking.
    “Whoa, did you see that?” Wright’s head whips around. “Two people are fucking like rabbits against the streetlight. Outside a children’s hospital. Now that’s horny.” He slaps the dash, as tickled as a two-year-old.
    “Do you have your shit in order, Wright?” I ignore his observation. Tonight we might all die. That’s some serious shit.
    This question earns me a sharp glance. “You think we might lose?”
    I get out of the car, preparing to do a walkabout. I have to figure out where to position our men. The area isn’t secure. There are windows and doors everywhere. “We’re good, but we don’t have the numbers. Even I can’t take five vamps at the same time.” Three is my max. And the vamps won’t be sloppy. They’ll be organized. All that thought-sharing shit is a bitch to deal with.
    I smell rabbit. I brush my fingers against my nose. It could be me. Knowing I might not live through the night, I had spent every spare second I could fucking Hunny. I left her in a semi-comatose state back at the apartment.
    I sniff the night air. No. I smell rabbit everywhere, strange rabbit. We turn the corner. A man dressed all in black is standing, arms crossed, in front of a limousine. He is short and round but mean-looking. He’s not a man to mess with.
    “Officer Drake?” Fuck, he would be waiting for me. “The boss would like to have a word with you.” He opens a car door.
    I glance at Wright. He shakes his head. No shit, getting into the car is a bad idea. Forms detach from the darkness. I don’t have a choice. We’re surrounded. “Make sure the limo doesn’t move,” I tell my partner. I enter the vehicle.
    A well-dressed man is examining an array of guns spread out on the leather seat. I sit across from him. He turns his head, taking off his sunglasses to look me over thoroughly. Something about his eyes strikes me as familiar.
    “Drake.” His voice is deep. His accent is French. “You may call me Uncle Flopsy.” Uncle Flopsy? What kind of ridiculous name is that? It is hellishly difficult to keep a straight face, but I manage it because I am very fond of breathing. “I understand from Hunny you need the family’s help.” He extends his ringed fingers.
    Does he expect me to kiss them? Mafia rabbit or not, I don’t make those pansy moves. I shake his hand instead. His grip is solid. “Thank you.” I’m always polite to people with more firepower than me. “But I have the situation under control.”
    He snorts. “Five hundred vampires against fifty cops is under control?” Five hundred vampires. Shit. This is suicide.
    Hunny’s uncle picks up a bullet. It glows blue. “Liquid sunlight,” he explains as though I’ve never hunted vamps before. I have. I’ve staked. I’ve shot. I’m a bad ass, remember? This relative of Hunny’s scares
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